

Research on Teachers’Understanding,Receptivity and Implementation of Curriculum Standards in Schools for Children with Intellectual Disabilities
摘要 研究采用自编问卷调查了530名教师对《培智学校义务教育课程标准(2016版)》的理解、认同与实施的基本情况。结果发现:多数教师已接受课标相关培训,但培训内容多以通识性理念宣导为主;教师对《课程标准》的指导作用比较认可,对全面实施课标能够保持积极的态度;多数教师能参照《课程标准》开展教学,但具体环节上与课标要求还存在差距。建议提升培智学校校长的课程领导力,进一步推进形成课标实施的学校合力;建立监测机制,推动实施培智学校基于课程标准教学的课程;立足校本教研和校本课程开发,从活用、用活课程标准的弹性三个维度出发,全面推进课程标准的贯彻与实施。 A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate 530 teachers’understanding,receptivity and implementation of the“Compulsory Education Curriculum Standards in Schools for Children with Intellectual Disabilities(2016 edition)”.The results show that most teachers have received the training related to curriculum standards,but the content of the training is based on the general concept;teachers agree with the guiding role of the“Curriculum Standards”and have a positive attitude towards the full implementation of curriculum standards;Most teachers can carry out teaching according to the“Curriculum Standards”,but there is still a gap between the specific links and the requirements of curriculum standards.It is suggested that the implementation of curriculum standards in schools for children with intellectual disabilities should be comprehensively promoted from three perspectives:enhancing the curriculum leadership of school principals to form the school synergy in implementing curriculum standards;establishing monitoring mechanisms to promote the implementation of teaching based on Curriculum Standards;developing school-based teaching and research,and school-based curriculum to use curriculum standardsflexibly.
作者 关文军 罗妍箐 Guan Wen-jun;Luo Yan-qing(Xinjiang children’seducation practice innovation research center,Xinjiang Nonmal University,Urumqi Xinjiang 830017;School of Elementary Education,College of Changji,Changji Xinjiang 831100)
出处 《双语教育研究》 2021年第1期64-74,F0002,共12页 Bilingual Education Studies
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划项目“新疆高效推进残疾儿童融合教育的本土化模式研究”(XJEDU2020SY014)的阶段性成果。
关键词 培智学校教师 课程标准 理解和认同 实施 Teachers of Schools for Children with Intellectual Disabilities Curriculum Standards Understanding and Re-ceptivity Implementation
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