
叙事策略与文学效果——重读鲁迅的《阿Q正传》 被引量:1

Narrative Strategy and Literary Effects:A Re-reading of The True Story of Ah Q by Lu Xun
摘要 如何解读阿Q的人物形象是贯穿现代中国思想史的问题。本文通过对鲁迅《阿Q正传》的精读,阐明阿Q本是具有欲望与本能的生命存在,对阿Q的描写源于作者同情与怜悯的人道主义精神这一叙事策略。在探讨阿Q突破“精神胜利法”的可能性时,论证其并非源于文本中所描述的阿Q人格,而是出自作者的叙事策略在文本和读者之间产生的文学效果。阿Q作为具有欲望与本能的生命存在,如果对他的刻画能够突破“精神胜利法”,这并不是因为阿Q在文本中的觉醒,而是源于读者在文本之外的觉醒。尤其是阿Q因对死亡感到恐惧的本能觉悟而呐喊“救命……”的内心独白,与作者的声音正好重合,而如何拯救“灵魂被咬”阿Q的精神觉醒则留给了读者。总之,由于作者的叙事策略在文本与读者之间产生了文学效果,从而使《阿Q正传》的文本具备了突破“精神胜利法”的可能性。 How to interpret the image of Ah Q is an issue that goes through the history of thought in China.Through an intensive reading of The True Story of Ah Q by Lu Xun,this article seeks to explain that Ah Q is a living being of desire and instinct,whose depiction stems from the narrative strategy of the author’s sympathetic and merciful humanism,and,in exploring the possibility of Ah Q breaking through the spiritual way of winning,the article argues that the spiritual way of winning does not come from the character of Ah Q in the text but from the literary effects produced by the author’s narrative strategy between the text and the reader.Ah Q being a living being of desire and instinct,if his depiction can break through the spiritual way of winning,it is not because Ah Q’s waking up in the text but because the reader wakes up outside the text,particularly when,as a result of his being instinctively conscious of the fear of death,cries out,'Help...',Ah Q’s interior monologue overlaps with the voice of the author,leaving the awakening to the reader,in which to save Ah Q’s spirit from being bitten.In general,as a result of the literary effects produced between the text and the reader by the author’s narrative strategy,the text of The True Story of Ah Q is equipped with the possibility of breaking through the spiritual way of winning.
作者 李侠(译) Hong Seuk-pyo;Li Xia
出处 《华文文学》 2023年第6期5-16,共12页 Literatures in Chinese
关键词 鲁迅 《阿Q正传》 叙事策略 文学效果 “精神胜利法” Lu Xun The True Story of Ah Q narrative strategy literary effects the spiritual way of winning
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