In the late 17th century when the Qing Dynasty gradually established itself,the Edo Shogunate of Japan formulated a"concealment policy"under which Ryukyu maintained its"independence",hoping to obtain Chinese goods and intelligence.The Edo Shogunate restricted the trade of Satsuma,but granted Ryukyu many privileges,such as the sale of Chinese goods and sugar,the guarantee of funds for trade in China,and the purchase of seafood products in large quantities,which made Satsuma relax its control over Ryukyu.Through supporting the fundraising of"Dutang Yin"(fund supporting tribute trade)and selection of the personnel sent to trade in China,the Ryukyu royal family gained the support of the Ryukyu gentry,and could share the profits of the tribute trade according to the proportion of contribution,which promoted the"Sinicization"reform measures to transform the Ryukyu social culture and ensured the rule of the Ryukyu royal family.Although the Qing Dynasty detected that something was wrong,Ryukyu pretended that"Tokara"asked for help from Japan and Ryukyu as an excuse to cover the activities of the Satsuma warriors and maintain their qualifications for tribute trade.It can be seen that Ryukyu maintained its independence by taking advantage of China's power,and the way Japan and Ryukyu seeking a balance in confrontation and cooperation also kept Sino-Japanese-Ryukyu relations relatively stable in the 17th to 19th centuries.
Journal of Maritime History Studies