Makkah has developed unique architectural vocabularies for centuries.The Roushan,Qalalib,Kharja,and Shwabir responded to topography,climate conditions,and socio-cultural aspects.However,demolishing heritagebuildings to expand theHolyMosque has led to thedisappearance of many traditional architectural vocabularies.Then,the imposition ofmodern architectural elements bymodernity increased a feeling of discontinuitywith the past.In addition,globalization has branded Makkah as a city of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings.Megaprojects have emerged since Saudi Arabia announced its Vision 2030,necessitating creative architectural solutions.Although the literature on the architecture of Makkah introduced varied approaches to developing traditional architectural vocabularies,the results were far from anticipated.Most studies assumed that traditional elements should shape the future of architecture in Makkah.The field of architecture suggests analyzing physical forms in reality,while the philosophical attempt proposes exploring them in virtuality.Reality and virtuality must be dynamic in space as methods for innovation;this space should be detached from architecture to challenge physical norms and separated from philosophy to promote practicality.This paper maps the literature to evaluate the approaches that examine the architecture of Makkah.It suggests a third space,outside architecture,and philosophy,utilizing AI to generate Makkah’s architectural elements.The aim is to employ technology,i.e.,AI,not to document but to generate architectural vocabulary based on rising potentials and differentiations,which are the bases of innovation,hence establishing continuity with the past to shape the future.
The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this work by Grant Code:(22UQU4210099DSR01).