

Establishment of Ujimchin White Horse Fibroblast in Vitro and Analysis of Biological Characteristics
摘要 本研究以内蒙古乌珠穆沁白马(Equuscaballus)雄性和雌性为实验材料,利用组织块贴壁培养法进行耳组织成纤维细胞原代建系,研究耳组织来源的细胞贴壁率、冷冻前及复苏后存活率、生长曲线,进一步绘制乌珠穆沁白马成纤维细胞核型图。实验结果显示,雌、雄乌珠穆沁白马耳组织成纤维细胞经组织贴壁法建系培养,生长为典型的成纤维细胞形态,并呈现“S”型生长曲线特征;细胞冷冻前后存活率存在显著差异,但仍具有较好的耐受冷冻性;根据染色体核型分析,雌、雄乌珠穆沁白马耳组织成纤维细胞染色体条数为2n=64,其中31对常染色体,1对性染色体。本研究成功建立了雌、雄乌珠穆沁白马耳组织成纤维细胞系,并且得到可稳定培养、具有良好遗传学特性的细胞系,为后续的相关深入研究奠定了基础。 [Objective]The present study aims to provide a basis for in-depth study of the biological characteristics of White Horse(Equus caballus)and the establishment of species resource.[Methods]In this study,using the male and female Ujimchin White Horse in Inner Mongolia as experimental materials,the primary lineage of ear tissue fibroblasts was established by tissue block adherent culture method,the cell adherent rate,survival rate and growth curve of ear tissue source were studied,and the karyotype map of Ujimchin White Horse was further generated.Data results are expressed as Mean±SD,Excel was used for data collation and analysis,and all graphs were drawn using GraphPad Prism 5.[Results]The results showed that female and male ear tissues of Ujimchin White Horse fibroblasts were cultured by tissue adhesion and grew into a typical fibroblast morphology,and showed the growth characteristics of“S”.There was significant difference in cell survival rate before and after cell freezing(Fig.5),but the cells still show good resistance to freezing.According to the karyotyping analysis,the number of chromosome strips of female and male Ujimchin White Horse hair tissue fibroblasts is 2n=64,of which 31 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair are sex chromosomes.[Conclusion]In this study,the fibroblast cell lines of female and male Ujimchin White Horse hair tissues were successfully established,and the cell lines with good genetic characteristics were obtained and stably cultured,which laid the foundation for subsequent in-depth research.
作者 郝晓丽 李云霞 王茂俊 李超尧 王治任 宋永利 包斯琴 曹贵方 李喜和 HAO Xiao-Li;LI Yun-Xia;#WANG Mao-Jun;LI Chao-Yao;WANG Zhi-Ren;SONG Yong-Li;BAO Si-Qin;CAO Gui-Fang;LI Xi-He(Research Center for Animal Genetic Resources of Mongolia Plateau,College of Life Science,Inner Mongolia University,Huhhot 010020;Inner Mongolia Saikexing Institute of Breeding and Reproductive Biotechnology in Domestic Animal,Hohhot 011517;College of Veterinary Science,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Huhhot 010018,China)
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期898-907,共10页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.32060176) 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项(No.2020ZD0007) “科技兴蒙”重点专项(No.2020-科技兴蒙-国创中心-12)。
关键词 乌珠穆沁白马 成纤维细胞 冷冻前及复苏后存活率 生长曲线 核型 Ujimchin White Horse,Equus caballus Fibroblast Survival rates before freezing and after resuscitation Growth curve Karyotype
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