

A Comparative Study on the Learning Styles of First Grade and Fourth Grade Students of English Normal Major
摘要 大量的实证研究已表明,二语学习风格在二语习得过程中具有不容忽视的作用。英语教师应了解学生的二语学习风格特征、尊重个体差异,这样才能有针对性地设计教学活动,更好地促进学生的英语学习。文章对38名英语师范专业大学一年级学生和22名英语师范专业大学四年级学生进行问卷调查,旨在对比这两类群体的二语学习风格。数据分析结果显示:①一年级和四年级学生的学习风格偏好一致(视觉型>听觉型>触觉型;内向型>外向型),但四年级学生的学习风格有趋同化和模糊化倾向;②内向型和外向型的差距在四年级群体中有明显改善;③一年级和四年级学生的学习风格在触觉型、听觉型和内向型三个方面具有显著差异。这些发现为高校的英语学习与教学提供了一定参考。 It has been proved that L2 learning style has major impact on second language acquisition by numerous empirical studies.Therefore,English teachers should learn about the overall pattern of students'learning styles and respect their individual differences to adjust teaching styles according to students'learning styles.Based on a questionnaire survey conducted among thirty-eight Year 1 English education majors and twenty-two Year 4 English education majors,this paper aims to explore the differences in L2 learning styles between these two groups.The results of the data analysis llustrate that:①Both Year 1 and Year 4 English education majors have the same L2 learning style preference(visual mode>auditory mode>tactile mode;introverted mode>extraverted mode),but the L2 learning style of Year 4 English education majors is converging and fuzzifying;@The gap between introverted mode and extraverted mode is narrowed down in Group Year 4;There are significant differences between Year 1 and Year 4 English education majors in tactile mode,auditory mode and introverted mode.These findings offer some pedagogical implications to L2 English learning and teaching at tertiary levels.
作者 许诺 Xu Nuo(Yangzhou University,Yangzhou,Jiangsu,225000)
机构地区 扬州大学
出处 《现代英语》 2023年第15期52-55,共4页 Modern English
关键词 二语学习风格 比较研究 英语师范专业 L2 learning style comparative study English education majors
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