
基于定性元分析的目的地形象演变过程研究 被引量:2

Research on the Destination Image Evolution Process Based on Qualitative Meta-analysis
摘要 旅游目的地可持续发展需要不断调控与之匹配的形象,其中的关键是准确认识目的地形象演变的影响因素与作用机制。文章筛选出1971—2021年与目的地形象演变相关的99篇文献,开展定性元分析,通过文献分析结果,建构了目的地形象的演变模型,总结了旅游目的地形象演变的影响因素,并探索了它们如何作用于目的地形象的演变。主要结论:(1)大型活动、负面事件与信息源是促进目的地形象演变的宏观因素,它们共有8条不同的影响路径;(2)旅游阶段、初游重游行为、人口学特征和跨文化背景、空间与心理距离、涉入度等个体差异是目的地形象演变的微观因素;(3)原生形象好坏、求新求异动机强弱、不确定性高低和个人/集体主义、涉入度高低能够在目的地形象演变过程中发挥调节作用;(4)时间的一维单向性是目的地形象演变的基础变量,它决定着形象必然发生演变;(5)目的地形象演变存在门槛效应,能否跨越形象门槛决定着目的地形象变化能否完成由量变到质变的过程,也是因为形象门槛的存在,相关研究才得到不一致的结论。形象门槛中,客观门槛主要是形象元素的增加与更新,主观门槛主要是旅游者感知,它们分别对应着人地关系中地的要素与人的感知。 The tourism destination image(DI)has been constantly changing.Some destinations actively promote the renewal of DI through a continuous tourism DI evolution strategy,to effectively cope with changes in the tourism market,or to reconstruct a new image.Therefore,destinations need to grasp the law of DI evolution,and a clear DI evolution mechanism is required.By analyzing the influencing factors and mechanism of DI evolution,we can effectively judge the advantages and disadvantages of image development conditions and identify the tendency of image development to engage in effective regulation and control.This study adopted the qualitative meta-analysis approach.We screened 99 papers related to the evolution of DI from 1971 to 2021,and through literature analysis results,we constructed a model of the evolution of DI.Through literature analysis,this paper draws on the logic of grounded theory coding program and extracts the conclusions related to the evolution of DI from those 99 studies as the original coding materials.This paper also summarizes the factors that influence the evolution of DI and explores how they affect that evolution.The study reaches the following findings:first,mega-events,negative events,and information sources are exogenous variables that contribute to the evolution of DI,and eight different influence paths were portrayed in this paper;second,five individual differences,namely,the stages of a tour itinerary,first-time and revisit behavior,demographic characteristics and cross-cultural background,spatial and psychological distance,and involvement,are internal variables for the evolution of DI;third,the evaluation of organic image,novelty-seeking motivation of tourists,uncertainty level toward tourist destination,individual/collectivism personality,and involvement perceived by tourists can play a moderating role in the process of DI evolution;fourth,the monodimensional unidirectional nature of time is the base variable of DI evolution,which inevitably determines the slow evolution of DI;fifth,there is a threshold effect in the evolution of DI,and whether the image threshold can be crossed determines whether the DI evolution occurs,and it is also because of the existence of the image threshold that the research result reaches divergent conclusions.Among the image thresholds,the objective threshold focuses on the increase and renewal of the image,while the subjective threshold emphasizes the tourist's perception,which corresponds to the function of the place and the human emotion in human-environment interactions,and crossing the threshold means strengthening the connection of human and environment.Overall,complex and multiple influencing factors were put under the same mechanism in this paper.Mega-events,negative events,and information sources constitute the main influencing subjects of DI evolution.Along their respective influencing paths,the three elements cross the threshold of the combination of destination exogenous driving force and tourist endogenous driving force to promote image evolution after a certain extent.This process reflects the DI evolution from quantitative change to qualitative change.It is of great significance to promote the research and practice of DI.
作者 张高军 程泷 张若愚 柯景怡 ZHANG Gaojun;CHENG Long;ZHANG Ruoyu;KE Jingyi(Shenzhen Tourism College,Jinan University,Shenzhen 518053,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 北大核心 2023年第12期97-112,共16页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“旅游形象的线上生态链研究”(41801124) 深圳市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划2023年度课题“深圳打造世界级旅游目的地研究”(SZ2023C006)共同资助。
关键词 目的地形象演变 影响因素 作用机制 形象门槛 定性元分析 destination image evolution influencing factors mechanism image threshold qualitative meta-analysis
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