

The Transmission of Silla and Koryǒ Buddhist Texts to China: According to the Records in the Taegakkuksamunjip and the Taegakkuksawoejip
摘要 在東亞佛典交流史上,我們了解更多的是,中國佛教文獻在東亞地區的影響與傳播,而對朝鮮半島以及日本等國家和地區撰述的佛教文獻如何傳入中國,如何影響中國佛教等方面的關注并不多。實際上,任何形式的文化交流,應該都是雙向的、相互的。因此,我們在了解中國佛教文獻東傳的同時,也應該注意朝鮮半島以及日本等周邊國家和地區的佛教文獻傳入中國的現象。本文基於這一認識,選擇以高麗義天文集《大覺國師文集·外集》的記録爲綫索,探討了由義天傳入中國的新羅、高麗佛教文獻。研究指出,由義天傳入當時北宋以及北遼的文獻至少有新羅僧人玄一的《法華經疏》、太賢的《法華經古迹記》、元曉的《楞伽經疏》以及新羅文人崔致遠的《法藏和尚傳》與高麗文人李頲的《李相國詩集》、李的《夾注金剛經》《斷疑金剛經》《金剛經集解》,乃至義天自己的著作《義天録》《圓宗文類》以及《刊定成唯識論單科》等,共計十一種。這批文獻的西傳背景與經過各不相同,但均與義天有關,是義天與净源、有誠、元照、明智、法鄰、道亨等北宋僧人交往的結果。其中李、李頲著作的西傳,可能與義天和整個李氏家族的親姻淵源有關。本文的研究,從另一個側面加深了我們對東亞佛典傳播的認識。 With regard to the history of textual interchange among East Asian countries,we know how Chinese Buddhist texts were transmitted and influential in the region of East Asia much more than we do about the inflow and influence of Buddhist texts to China from other East Asian countries such as Korean Peninsula and Japan.In effect,any form of cultural exchange takes place mutually in two ways.Hence,when we try to know about the east-ward transmission of Chinese Buddhist texts we should also pay attention to the fact that the same type of texts from neighbouring countries also flowed to China.In light of this consideration,this paper uses the records in ich on s Taegakkuksamunjip and the Taegakkuksawoejip(The Collected Works of the National Preceptor Taegak)to explore the Buddhist texts brought by ich on from Silla and Koryǒto China.It shows that the Buddhist texts which ich on took to China,then the Northern Song and the Northern Liao,numbered eleven in total,including from Silla monks the Commentary on the Lotus Sutra of Hyǒnil,the Record of Ancient Events Related to the Lotus Sutra of Taehyeon,Wonhyo s Commentary on the Lankavatara Sutra,Choe Chi Won s Biography of Monk Fazang,the Koryǒliterati Yi Chǒng s Poetry of Prime Minister Yi,YiAo s In-line Annotations of the Diamond Sutra,Clearing the Doubts over the Diamond Sutra,Collected Expositions of the Diamond Sutra,and ich on s own works,the Record of ich on,Writings on the Hwaeom Teachings,and The Revised Edition of the Structural Analysis of the Cheng Weishilun.Each of these texts had its own story of transmission to China,but they all had something to do with ich on;they resulted from ich on s association with such Chinese monks as Jingyuan,Youcheng,Yuanzhao,Mingzhi,Falin,Daoheng and others.The transmission of the works of Yi Chǒng and YiAo can even be attributed to the marital relation between ich on s family and the Yi clan.This study may provide us a window through which we see better about the inter-transmission of Buddhist texts in East Asia.
作者 定源(王招國) Ding Yuan
出处 《佛教文化研究》 2022年第2期242-287,414,419,420,共49页 Studies of Buddhist Culture
关键词 義天 新羅佛教文獻 高麗佛教文獻 東亞佛典傳播 ich on Buddhist Texts from Silla Buddhist Texts from Koryǒ Transmission of Buddhist Texts in East Asia
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