
上海市奉贤区乡村医生工作满意度及其影响因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis of job satisfaction and influencing factors of the rural doctors in Fengxian District,Shanghai
摘要 目的:对上海市奉贤区乡村医生的工作满意度及其影响因素进行调查分析。方法:于2023年1月选取上海市奉贤区22家社区卫生服务中心的乡村医生作为调查对象,采用明尼苏达工作满意度问卷调查其工作满意情况及影响因素。结果:单因素分析结果显示,性别、学历、月收入、所在单位是否为全科医学“5+3”或“3+2”培训基层实践基地、所在村卫生室是否有家庭医生驻村指导、是否参加家庭医生团队或工作室工作是对奉贤区乡村医生工作满意度具有统计学意义的影响因素(P<0.05)。进一步采用Bonferroni检验法进行两两比较,初中及以下学历组、高中/职高/中专学历组的工作满意度高于大专组(P<0.0083),高中/职高/中专学历组的工作满意度高于本科及以上组(P<0.0083),收入为3000~5000元组的工作满意度高于3000元以下组(P<0.017)。多元线性回归分析结果显示,性别、月收入、是否参加家庭医生团队或工作室工作对奉贤区乡村医生的工作满意度具有正向影响,学历对其工作满意度具有负向影响。结论:建议政府与相关部门增加乡村医生的农村卫生人才补贴额度,提升乡村医生的工资和福利待遇,通过调整绩效工资与奖金分配机制确保其多劳多得、优劳优得。 Objective:To investigate and analyze the job satisfaction and influencing factors of the rural doctors in Fengxian District,Shanghai.Methods:In January 2023,the rural doctors from 22 community health service centers in Fengxian District,Shanghai were selected as survey subjects,and the Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire was used to investigate their job satisfaction and influencing factors.Results:The results of univariate analysis showed gender,education,monthly income,and whether the employers were“5+3”or“3+2”general practice training bases of grass-roots practice,whether the village health stations had family doctors who stationed in the village for guidance,and whether they participated in the family doctor team or studio work were statistically significant influencing factors of the job satisfaction of the rural doctors in Fengxian District(P<0.05).Further using the Bonferroni test method for pair-by-pair comparison,the job satisfaction in the junior high school and below education group,and senior high school/vocational school/technical secondary education group was higher than that in the college group(P<0.0083),and the job satisfaction of the senior high school/vocational school and the technical secondary school education group was higher than that in the bachelor’s degree group or above(P<0.0083),and the job satisfaction of the group with an income of 3000~5000 yuan group was higher than that in the group below 3000 yuan(P<0.017).The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that gender,monthly income,and whether they participated in the family doctor team or studio work had a positive impact on the job satisfaction of rural doctors in Fengxian District,and their educational qualifications had a negative impact on their job satisfaction.Conclusion:It is recommended that the government and relevant departments increase the amount of rural health talent subsidies for rural doctors,improve the salary and welfare of the rural doctors,and ensure that they work more and get more and better work by adjusting the performance pay and bonus distribution mechanism.
作者 韩丹萍 薛雯倩 廖莹 张超 顾晓青 HAN Danping;XUE Wenqian;LIAO Ying;ZHANG Chao;GU Xiaoqing(Village Health Station of Xidu Street Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District,Shanghai 201401,China;Nursing Department of Xidu Street Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District,Shanghai 201401,China;General Practice Department of Xidu Street Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District,Shanghai 201401,China;Xidu Street Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District,Shanghai 201401,China)
出处 《上海医药》 CAS 2023年第24期11-14,30,共5页 Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 上海市奉贤区科学技术委员会2022年度奉贤区(社会类)科技发展基金医学类项目(20221415) 2020年度上海市卫生健康委员会卫生行业临床研究专项立项项目(202040331)。
关键词 乡村医生 工作满意度 影响因素 rural doctor job satisfaction influencing factor
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