

Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples in Russia:Laws,Policies and Practices
摘要 “人口较少土著民族”是俄罗斯特有的民族群体概念。与保护“土著人民”的国际公约、宣言不同,俄罗斯针对“人口较少土著民族”制定了一系列法律法规和政策措施,并积极地贯彻实施。本文追溯俄罗斯“人口较少土著民族”这一概念产生的过程,呈现相关法律法规、政策措施的内容以及在不同层面的实施状况,以期从一侧面展现当代俄罗斯民族政策的优先方向、制度设计与实践经验。同时,“人口较少土著民族”的相关政策与实践之间存在着张力,其主要表现为人口较少土著民族分布不均衡、社区内部的不平衡以及民族之间的差异性,这使得俄民族政策在“人口较少土著民族”社区的推行会遇到障碍。俄罗斯的人口较少土著民族面临着现代化与传统生产生活方式的矛盾,这也是全球性的问题,俄人口较少土著民族权利保护的政策和实践无疑为这个问题的解决提供了有益的路径。 “Indigenous small-numbered peoples”is a unique concept of ethnic groups in Russia.Unlike the international conventions and declarations on the protection of“indigenous peoples”,Russia has formulated a series of laws,regulations and policy measures for“indigenous small-numbered peoples”and actively implemented them.This paper traces the process of the emergence of the concept of“indigenous small-numbered peoples”,presents the content of relevant laws,regulations,policies and measures,as well as their practice at different levels,in a hope to reveal the priority direction,system design and practical experience of the contemporary Russian ethnic policy from one side.Meanwhile,there is tension between the relevant policies for“indigenous small-numbered peoples”and their practice,mainly manifested in the uneven distribution of indigenous peoples with small populations,imbalances within communities and differences between ethnic groups,thus bringing obstacles to the implementation of ethnic policies in the communities of“indigenous small-numbered peoples”.The indigenous peoples with small populations in Russia are faced with the contradiction between modernization and their traditional lifestyle,which is also a global problem.Russia's policies and practices for the protection of the rights of ethnic groups with small populations undoubtedly provide a useful path for the solution of this problem.
作者 马强 Qiang Ma
出处 《世界民族》 北大核心 2023年第6期94-110,共17页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“‘一带一路’视域下中俄边民社会交往与互惠的民族志研究”(项目号:19BMZ042)的阶段性成果。
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