

The Antitrust Boundary of Intellectual Property Rights Exercise in the Context of Digital Economy--Re-evaluation of the Exclusive Copyright Authorization Arrangement of Digital Content Platforms
摘要 2023年6月,国家市场监督管理总局先后发布了《关于禁止滥用知识产权排除、限制竞争行为的规定》修订稿,及《关于标准必要专利领域的反垄断指南(征求意见稿)》,旨在有效预防和制止滥用知识产权排除、限制竞争的行为。从维护公共利益角度出发,权利人行使知识产权的行为本身即应天然地受到竞争法规则限制。但是,在当前数字经济背景下,我国反垄断法应具体地通过何种方式介入,并规制相关知识产权滥用行为,学界一直存在分歧,不同领域的理论与实践界也存在一定的认知差异。本文拟援引现阶段实践中较为常见的数字内容平台独家版权模式为相关分析论述架设具体情境,主要从反垄断法与知识产权法的协同机理、竞争法协同视角下对相关模式的再评估与规制路径探究两个方面,尝试对现阶段我国相关市场存在的核心问题及困境成因予以剖析论述,从而对数字经济背景下更为合理的竞争法干预路径进行初步探索。 In June 2023,the State Administration for Market Regulation successively released the revised draft of the"Provisions on Prohibiting the Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights to Exclude and Restrict Competition"and the"Antitrust Guidelines on Standard Essential Patents(Exposure Draft)",aiming to effectively prevent and govern abusive conduct with respect to IP rights which may exclude and restrict competition.From the perspective of enhancing public interests,the exercise of intellectual property rights by rights holders should naturally be restricted by competition law rules.However,under current digital economy context,there have always been disputes in the academic community on how China's Antitrust Law should intervene and regulate IP-related abusive conducts concretely,and there are also certain cognitive differences between theoretical and practical communities in certain subjects.This article intends to cite the exclusive copyright authorization arrangement implemented by digital content platforms,which is more common in current practice,as a specific context for relevant analysis and discussion,and mainly explores two subjects:the synergistic mechanism of Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law,and the re-evaluation and regulation path of the corresponding arrangement from the perspective of Competition Law synergy.It attempts to discuss and analyze the core problems and causes for the current relevant market in China,so as to explore a more reasonable Competition Law intervention path in the current context of digital economy.
作者 王圣宇
机构地区 伦敦大学学院
出处 《竞争政策研究》 2023年第6期82-96,共15页 Competition Policy Research
关键词 反垄断 知识产权 数字内容平台 独家版权 创新扩散 经营者集中审查 Antitrust Intellectual Property Rights Digital Content Platform Exclusive Copyright Authorization Diffusion of Innovation Antimonopoly Review of Concentrations of Undertakings
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