

Recognition and Interpretation of Heritage Values with Focus on Community——A Case Study of Fuzhou Kuliang
摘要 福州作为晚清“五口通商”政策的发生地,在19世纪下半叶和20世纪上半叶涌入大量外国人士。坐落于福州东南的鼓岭海拔较高,大批外国居民在此修建房舍及公共设施用以避暑休闲,成为闻名一时的国际和谐社区。近年来,鼓岭更作为见证中外民间友好情谊的重要遗产地,受到官方的高度推崇。文章结合文献及2022年“北京大学文化遗产保护联合工作坊”踏查成果,阐述了鼓岭的遗产化过程,从乡村变迁为国际社区,并纳入权威遗产话语;同时,分析了鼓岭社区的遗产价值与3处展馆的价值表征,提出了除权威遗产话语体系之外,社区主体亦应被强调,将遗产放置在整体性的人与社会当中,并在多元视角的价值框架下,反映人与地方、场所及实践的独特联结。 As the place where the policy of“Five Ports of Commerce”took place in the late Qing Dynasty,a large number of foreigners flooded into Fuzhou during the second half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century.Kulaing,located in the southeast of Fuzhou,has a high altitude,hence attracted a large number of foreign residents building houses and public facilities for summer leisure,and has become a famous international community.In recent years,Kulaing has been highly regarded by the authorities as an important heritage site that witnessed the friendship between Chinese and foreign people.Based on literature and the results of the 2022 Joint Cultural Heritage Conservation Workshop of Peking University,this paper expounds the heritagization process of Kulaing,which has changed from a village into an international community and incorporated into the authoritative heritage discourse.At the same time,it analyzes the heritage value of Kulaing community and the value representation of the three interpretation centers,and puts forward that in addition to the authoritative heritage discourse,the community should also be emphasized.We need to place heritage in the holistic context of people and societies and reflect the unique connections between people and places,and places and practices,within a value framework of diverse perspectives.
作者 商晨雯 SHANG Chenwen(School of Archaeology and Museology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Arthur M.Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Center for the Study of Chinese Archaeology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《自然与文化遗产研究》 2023年第6期45-53,共9页 Study on Natural and Cultural Heritage
基金 北京大学研究生教育创新计划 福州市文物局课题:“从传统到现代”——福州三坊七巷与福州船政关系的研究。
关键词 鼓岭 社区 遗产化 价值 Kulaing community heritagization value
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