
解放战争时期中国共产党宣传工作的体系化运作 被引量:1

Systematic Operation of the CPC's Publicity Work during the War of Liberation
摘要 解放战争时期,为实现对宣传工作的“集中统一领导”,中国共产党改中央宣传委员会为宣传会议,将党报系统、通讯社系统、出版发行系统统一于宣传部系统,上级宣传部亦对下级政治部确立了业务指导关系,强化了一切宣传“统一于党的宣传部”之架构。同时以请示报告制度为核心,构建起一系列的宣传工作制度,使宣传工作得以体系化运作。其间,通讯社系统因契合离散分割的组织形态和瞬息万变的战争形势得到较大发展,促使新闻事业从宣传工作中孕育壮大,为政府新闻管理机构的出现奠定了基础。 After more than 20 years of exploration since the founding of the Party,the CPC's publicity work system has become stable,forming a pattern where all publicity work belongs to the Publicity Department.Therefore,the academic community did not pay much attention to the systematic operation of the CPC's publicity work during the War of Liberation,but focused on the establishment background,historical evolution,structural system,and staffing of publicity organizations,outlining the basic contour of this field with many questions unanswered.From the perspective of power operation logic,what is the deep motivation of the merger and transformation of the CPC's publicity organization?Why is the organization for coordinating publicity and decision-making becoming virtual?From the perspective of institutional system operation,how does the publicity department system,party newspaper system,publishing and distribution system,and news agency system unify leadership and cooperate“in a wide range of fields of publicity work”?From the perspective of the revolutionary party to the ruling party,what mechanism did the CPC gradually assume to meet the needs of the public for news after the liberation war entered the stage of strategic counter attack?How to clarify the direction of the transformation of the publicity work system after CPC's taking office?This paper focuses on the power operation and systematic operation of the publicity work of the CPC during the War of Liberation through literature research and systematic research.It reveals that in order to achieve“centralized and unified leadership”of the publicity work,the CPC changed the Central Publicity Committee into a publicity conference,and unified the party newspaper system,news agency system,and publishing and distribution system into the publicity department system.The superior publicity department also established a business guidance relationship with the subordinate political departments,which has strengthened the structure of“unifying all publicity within the Party's publicity department”.At the same time,with the request for instructions and report system as the core,a series of publicity work systems have been constructed,and publicity work can be systematically operated.During this period,the news agency system achieved significant development due to its compatibility with the discrete and segmented organizational form and the rapidly changing war situation,promoting the growth of the news industry from publicity work and laying the foundation for the emergence of news management agencies of the government.Compared with the previous research results,this paper has expanded in two aspects:First,it discusses the adjustment of publicity system,which is the disadvantage of“decentralization”caused by the expansion of the CPC in the field of work and the extension of the context.According to the changes in its own state and central tasks,the results of repeated attempts at both ends of“centralization”and“decentralization”have finally established the principle of“collective leadership”and“division of labor and responsibility”.Second,on the basis of clarifying the system,level and relevance of publicity organizations,and according to the“work system and power issues”put forward by Mao Zedong,it is revealed that the CPC has built a series of publicity work systems with the request and report system as the core,providing the“most basic conditions”for achieving“centralized and unified leadership”.The research of this paper has expanded the connotation of the research of the CPC.On the basis of the analysis of historical materials to reveal the historical revolution of the CPC's publicity institution,it will help the academic community further tap the deep logic of the adjustment of publicity work system and the publicity work systemic operating mechanism consisting of the working system and discipline composition,so as to reveal how the CPC's publicity institution became“one of the most effective departments in the Chinese communist organization of this century”.
作者 陈龙 CHEN Long
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第11期1-13,共13页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国共产党宣传工作史研究(1921—1949)”(23&ZD024) 广东省社会科学规划学科共建项目“中国共产党宣传工作体系研究(1921—1949)”(GD22XDS01)。
关键词 解放战争时期 宣传工作 宣传政策体系 马克思主义新闻观 during the War of Liberation propaganda work propaganda policy system Marxist views of journalism
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