

Effect of foliar zinc application on yield and zinc concentration of potato
摘要 在缺锌土壤中施用锌肥不仅可提高马铃薯产量,而且能显著提高马铃薯块茎锌含量,研究旨在揭示不同熟性马铃薯叶面施用锌肥的不同施肥量、施肥时期及施肥种类在提高马铃薯产量和块茎锌含量方面的差异。以马铃薯品种费乌瑞它、大西洋、定薯4号为供试材料,于2020年4月至2021年10月在大田条件下设置3组试验:试验1为不同类型锌肥喷施试验,设不施锌肥为对照(G0)、喷施硫酸锌水溶液(G1)、喷施硫酸锌+尿素水溶液(G2)和喷施安米达·糖醇锌水溶液(G3)4个处理;试验2为不同锌肥喷施量试验,设喷施浓度为0.00%(F0)、0.02%(F1)、0.03%(F2)、0.04%(F3)、0.05%(F4)和0.06%(F5)6个处理;试验3为不同时期喷施锌肥试验,设全生育期不喷施锌肥为对照(L0)、苗期喷施(L1)、现蕾期喷施(L2)、块茎形成期喷施(L3)和块茎膨大期喷施(L4)5个处理。结果表明,叶面喷施适量硫酸锌,马铃薯产量、块茎锌含量和叶片SPAD值均有所提高。早熟品种费乌瑞它与中熟品种大西洋,喷施锌肥浓度为0.30%时,块茎锌含量较未喷施分别显著增加37.25%和32.26%;晚熟品种定薯4号锌肥浓度为0.50%时块茎锌含显著增加31.75%。不同品种马铃薯喷施关键时期均在块茎形成期和膨大期,块茎锌含量较未喷施平均显著增加46.26%。叶面喷施硫酸锌和尿素水溶液增产增效显著,块茎锌含量显著增加42.11%,产量显著增加12.86%。综上所述,结合叶面施锌增加马铃薯产量和块茎锌含量的田间应用效果分析,在早、中熟品种马铃薯上采用0.30%硫酸锌水溶液,晚熟品种上采用0.50%硫酸锌水溶液,因地制宜采用叶面喷施硫酸锌水溶液配施0.05%尿素,在马铃薯块茎形成期和块茎膨大期两个关键时期进行喷施,可协同实现最佳肥料利用效率、最大程度的稳产增产和提高马铃薯的锌营养含量。 Applying zinc fertilizer on zinc deficient soil can not only improve potato yield,but also significantly improve potato tuber zinc content.The purpose of this study is to reveal the differences in the optimal spraying amount,spraying period and spraying type of zinc fertilizer on the leaves of different maturity and varieties of potatoes in improving potato yield and tuber zinc content.Three groups of experiments were conducted under field conditions from April 2020 to October 2021with potato varieties feiruita,Atlantic and Dingshu No.4 as test materials.In experiment 1,different types of zinc fertilizer spraying tests were conducted.There were 4 treatments:no zinc fertilizer control(G0),spraying zinc sulfate aqueous solution(G1),spraying zinc sulfate + urea aqueous solution(G2)and spraying ximelo sugar alcohol zinc aqueous solution(G3);In experiment 2,different zinc fertilizer spraying rates were tested,with 6 treatments of spraying concentration of 0.00%(F0),0.02%(F1),0.03%(F2),0.04%(F3),0.05%(F4)and 0.06%(F5);In experiment 3,spraying zinc fertilizer in different periods was conducted with five treatments:without spraying zinc fertilizer in growth period(L0),spraying in seedling period(L1),spraying in budding period(L2),spraying in tuber formation period(L3)and spraying in tuber expansion period(L4).The results showed that the yield of potato,the content of zinc in tuber and the SPAD value of leaves were increased by spraying appropriate amount of zinc sulfate on the leaves.When the concentration of zinc fertilizer was 0.30%,the content of zinc in the tubers of early maturing cultivar Feiwuruita and middle maturing cultivar Atlantic significantly increased by 37.25% and 32.26%,respectively,compared with that of non-spraying treatment.When the concentration of zinc fertilizer was 0.50%,the tuber zinc content of late maturing variety Dingshu 4 increased significantly by 31.75%.The key period of spraying different varieties of potato was the tuber formation and expansion period,and the tuber zinc content increased by 46.26% on average compared with that without spraying treatment.Spraying zinc sulfate and urea solution on leaves increased yield and efficiency significantly,zinc content in tubers increased by 42.11%,and yield increased by 12.86%.To sum up,based on the analysis of the field application effect of foliar zinc application on increasing potato yield and tuber zinc content,0.30% zinc sulfate solution can be used on early and medium maturing potatoes,0.50%zinc sulfate solution can be applied on late maturing varieties,and 0.05% urea can be combined applied with foliar zinc sulfate solution according to local conditions at two key stages of potato tuber formation and tuber expansion,which can achieve the best fertilizer utilization efficiency,maximize and increase the yield,and improve the zinc nutrition content of potatoes.
作者 范奕 李亚杰 罗磊 姚彦红 李丰先 董爱云 刘慧霞 牛彩萍 李德明 FAN Yi;LI Ya-jie;LUO Lei;YAO Yan-hong;LI Feng-xian;DONG Ai-yun;LIU Hui-xia;NIU Cai-ping;LI De-ming(Dingxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Dingxi Gansu 743000;Gansu Potato Industry Technology Innovation Center,Dingxi Gansu 743000)
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期217-226,共10页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 联合国世界粮食计划署甘肃省富锌马铃薯小农户试点项目(WFPGSPP-1) 财政部和农业农村部国家现代马铃薯农业产业技术体系(CARS-09) 甘肃省寒旱农业项目抗病优质高效系列专用马铃薯品种创新与示范推广(GNKJ-1) 定西市科技计划项目(DX2022BZ38)。
关键词 马铃薯 叶面施锌 锌肥种类 产量 锌含量 喷施时期 potato foliar zinc application type of zinc fertilizer yield zinc content spraying period
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