
网络营销赋能农村产业发展的机制研究——新媒体平台“直播+短视频+商城”助农案例及其分析 被引量:3

Research on the Mechanism of Network Marketing Empowering Rural Industrial Development:The Case and Analysis of the New Media Platform“Live Broadcast+Short Video+Mall”Helping Farmers
摘要 农业现代化是乡村振兴所需,产业兴旺则是乡村振兴的基础,是农业高质量发展、农民就业增收、农村可持续发展的现实需要。“互联网+”时代下实现网络营销与农村产业的融合发展,是推动小农户与瞬息万变的大市场有机衔接,促进农产品出村进城,全面实施乡村振兴战略、加快农业农村现代化的必然要求。数字经济时代的农村产业发展离不开网络营销,数字赋能也成为乡村振兴的趋势。本文以新媒体平台“直播+短视频+商城”助农为案例,从理论与案例两个角度分别阐释了在“互联网+”时代网络营销推动农村产业发展的理论机理与政策效果。研究发现,网络营销作为一种销售渠道赋能农村及其产品营销的路径实现,能够引导经济资金、人才与技术要素等涌入农村产业,从而实现经济增长要素的重新分配。鉴于此,本文认为政府有必要围绕农村人力资源能力建设、增加数字化基础设施建设、打造区域特色品牌、探索组织管理创新模式、夯实农业产业数字化平台、提高政府社会化服务能力等方面来优化农业产业数字化营商环境,推动农业从传统营销迅速向农业产业数字化转型,以提高数字生产力助推新型农业现代化发展。 Agricultural modernization is the need of rural revitalization,while industrial prosperity is the foundation of rural revitalization,which is the realistic need of high-quality agricultural develop-ment,increasing farmers'employment and sustainable rural development.In the era of"internet plus",the integrated development of network marketing and rural industries is an inevitable requirement to promote the organic connection between smallholder farmers and the rapidly changing big market,to promote agricultural products to enter the city,to fully implement the rural revitalization strategy and to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.The development of rural industries in the digital economy era is inseparable from online marketing,and digital empowerment has also become the trend of rural revitalization.Taking the new media platform"live broadcast+short video+shopping mall"as a case,this paper explains the theoretical mechanism and policy effect of online marketing to promote the development of rural industries in the era of"internet plus"from both theoretical and case perspec-tives.It is found that network marketing,as a sales channel to empower rural areas and its product mar-keting,can guide economic funds,talents and technical factors to flood into rural industries,thus reali-zing the redistribution of economic growth factors.In view of this,it is necessary for the government to focus on the construction of rural human resources,increase the construction of digital infrastructure,create regional brands,explore innovative modes of organization and management,consolidate the digital platform of agricultural industry,and improve government's socialized service.
作者 陈卫洪 耿芳艳 CHEN Weihong;GENG Fangyan
出处 《农业经济问题》 北大核心 2023年第11期118-131,共14页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 教育部新农科研究与改革实践项目“面向新农科的实践教育体系构建——以农林经济管理专业为例” 教育部2019年度国家级一流本科专业建设点“贵州大学农林经济管理国家级一流本科专业建设” 贵州省科技平台及人才团队计划项目“贵州省丹穴山朴门永续发展有限公司城乡三体一危治理与生态建设院士工作站”(编号:黔科合平台人才[2017]5647),陈卫洪为该院士工作站负责人 贵州大学人文社科研究一般项目资助(编号:GDYB2021005) 国家社会科学基金项目“中国式现代化背景下生态文明教育研究”(编号:BGX230346)。
关键词 乡村振兴 网络营销 数字赋能 农村产业数字化 新型农业现代化 Implementation path Rural revitalization Network marketing Digital empowerment Digitization of rural industries New agricultural modernization
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