

Ma Xiangbo's Reflection on the Revolution of 1911 and An Analysis of His Political Thoughts
摘要 清末民初是近代中国社会的转型时期,构建现代民族国家是时代的中心议题,作为晚清立宪派的代表人物、辛亥革命元勋马相伯认为革命的目的是自由立国。他提出的人道自由主义的立国理念是符合时代要求的,其内涵不仅体现了儒家以仁为本的人道主义精神,同时也包含了制度建国的宪政主义理念。马相伯认为民初政局致乱之源主要在于政体设计原理的谬误,以及国人对于国体政体概念的误解。他以法国现代宪法学的创始人艾斯曼的宪法学理论为基础,综合考量中国的历史传统、国情、政党的发育等因素,明确提出民国政体应该采行总统制,建立强固政府的主张;同时,他又提出实行地方自治、联邦制作为挽救共和的方略。在构建现代民族国家的过程中,马相伯极力维护政府的“权力”与人民的“权利”两者之间的平衡状态,从中可以管窥中国近代早期具有自由主义理念的思想家立国的良苦用心,以及近代中国政治转型的艰难曲折。 The late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China is the transition period of modern Chinesce society,and the construction of a new nation-state is the central theme of the era.Ma Xiangbo,the representative of the constitutionalists in the late Qing dynasty and onc of the great contributors of the Revolution of 1911,believed that the purpose of revolution was to establish a liberal state.The founding idea of a nation with humanitarian liberalism,proposed by him,met the requirement of the era.Its connotations not only reflected the humanitarian spirit of Confucianism with benevolence as its basis,but also contained the constitutionalist idea of establishing a state by institutions.Ma believed that the main political chaos in the early Republic of China originated from the fallacy in the principle of regime design and the misunderstood concepts of the forms of state and government.Based on the theory of A.Esmein,thc founder of modern French constitutional law,Ma made a clear proposition that the Republic of China should adopt the presidential system and build a solid government by comprchensively considering the historical tradition,national condition,thc growth of political parties and other factors of China.Meanwhile,he put forward the implementation of local autonomy and federalism as a strategy to save the Republic.In the process of building a modern nation-state,Ma strongly defended the balance between the"power"of the government and the"rights"of the people,from which wc could see the cares and thoughts of liberal thinkers in early modern China on the issuc of building the state,and the difficulties and setbacks of political transformation in modern China.
作者 薛玉琴 Xue Yuqin
出处 《史学月刊》 北大核心 2023年第12期45-56,共12页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划教育学国家一般课题“五四时期道德谱系研究”(BEA190119)。
关键词 辛亥革命 马相伯 国体 政体 地方自治 联邦制 The Revolution of 1911 Ma Xiangbo Form of State Form of Government Local Autonomy Federalism
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