

Historian Annotating History:Mr.Zhu Shaohou and the Modern Annotation Edition of the Twenty-Four Histories
摘要 今注本《宋书》的校注,是朱绍侯先生学术生涯最后二十多年花费心力甚多、至为牵挂的学术事业。史家注史是《今注本二十四史》的重要原则和鲜明特色。今注本《宋书》以人名、地名、职官、典故、制度等作为注释重点,强调从史学工作者的角度展开校勘和注释,注重版本的改误纠谬,史实的正义疏通,史料的补充增益。今注本《宋书》是一部填补学术空白的、具有开创性的正史文献整理作品,是目前所能见到的注释最为全面的一部《宋书》。广博厚实的学术功力,丰富的项目组织管理经验,是朱先生胜任主编一职并完成《宋书》校注的两个重要因素。朱先生是“史家注史”原则的倡导者和践行者,始终支持《今注本二十四史》的各项工作,为《今注本二十四史》编纂出版做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 Modern annotation edition of Songshu is an academic undertaking into which Mr.Zhu Shaohou had put a lot of effort in the last twenty years of his academic career,and about which he had been very concerned."Historian Annotating History"is an important principle and distinctive feature of Moderm Annotation Edition of the Twenty-Four Histories.Modern annotation edition of Songshu takes the names of people,places,officials,allusions,systems,etc.as the focus of annotation,emphasizes on the collation and annotation from the perspective of historians,and focuses on the corrections of different versions,the interpretation of historical facts,and the supplementation of historical materials.Modern annotation edition of Songshu is a pioneering work of collation of the official history documents,and is the most comprehensively annotated edition of Songshu that can be seen at present.The broad and solid academic skills and the rich experience of Mr.Zhu in project organization and management are the two important factors that enable him to take up the role of editor-in-chief and complete the annotation of Songshu.Mr.Zhu is the advocate and practitioner of the principle of"Historian Annotating History",and has always supported the work of the Modern Annotation Edition of the Twenty-Four Histories.He had made indelible contributions to the compilation and publication of the Modern Annotation Edition of the Twenty-Four Histories.
作者 赵凯 孙晓 Zhao Kai;Sun Xiao
出处 《史学月刊》 北大核心 2023年第12期91-99,共9页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“汉代养老研究”(20BZS026)。
关键词 朱绍侯 今注本二十四史 史家注史 Zhu Shaohou Modern Annotation Edition of the Twenty-Four Histories Historian Annotating History








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