

Investigating the Proportions,Scales,and Numerological Significances in the Plans of Shangdu,Dadu,and Zhongdu of Yuan Dynasty:Part 2
摘要 结合考古实测数据、文献记载和几何作图分析,探讨元上都、大都与中都三座都城规划设计的构图比例、尺度规模及其背后所蕴含的数术内涵。在前人研究基础上,发现并指出:元代三都在规划设计上皆存在着清晰的构图比例,集中体现在每座都城的外城、皇城与宫城的平面形状与比例关系上;三座都城的外城面积与宫城(有时包括皇城)面积皆存在整数倍关系,而大都与中都的宫城面积与宫中主体建筑(前朝或后寝的正殿)所占据矩形地块的面积也存在整数倍关系——若套用《周礼·考工记》中“室中度以几,堂上度以筵,宫中度以寻,野度以步,涂度以轨”或者《营造法式》中“凡构屋之制,皆以材为祖”等古代术语,可将上述规律归纳为“都度以宫”“宫度以正殿”或者“凡营都之制,皆以宫为祖”“凡营宫之制,皆以正殿为祖”。此外,上述比例关系中所涉及的数字,以及各都城三重城垣、宫中正殿(甚至包括街区、街道等)的尺度换算成元代尺、步、丈、里、亩等数值,皆呈现出丰富而博大的中国传统数术内涵,尤其表现为对《周易》思想以及中国古代天文、律历的象征,这也恰恰与历史文献中所记上都、大都的主要规划者刘秉忠“于书无所不读,尤邃于《易》及邵氏《经世书》,至于天文、地理、律历、三式六壬遁甲之属,无不精通”的知识结构与思想体系高度契合。 This paper aims to investigate the geometric proportions,scales,and numerological connotations embedded within the plans of the capitals of Yuan dynasty:Shangdu,Dadu,and Zhongdu.Building upon previous research,this paper proposes that all three capitals exhibit distinct geometric proportions in their layout plans,primarily manifested in the shape and proportional relationships between the outer city,imperial city,and palace city within each capital.Additionally,it observes integer multiple relationships between the area of outer city and palace city(sometimes including the imperial city)in each capital.Furthermore,in Dadu and Zhongdu,the area of palace cities and rectangular plots occupied by their main halls also display integer multiples.Drawing upon ancient architectural terminologies found in texts such as Zhouli Kaogongji,which describes measurement systems,and Yingzao Fashi,which provides architectural principles,the paper generalized these principles to“inside a capital,everything is measured according to the size of a palace”,“inside a palace everything is measured according to the size of the main hall”,or“all principles of constructing capitals are based on the palace.”Moreover,the numberical values involved in the aforementioned ratios and scales of the three-loop city layout and the main palace(including blocks,streets,etc.)in each capital,when converted into measurement units such as chi,bu,zhang,li,and mu used during Yuan dynasty,carry significant Chinese traditional numerological connotations.These numbers symbolize the ideologies of Yijing(Book of Changes),ancient Chinese astronomy,and the legal calendar,aligning with the knowledge structure and ideological system attributed to Liu Bingzhong,the main planner of Shangdu and Dadu,who was reputed for his extensive knowledge in areas such as Yijing and Shao’s Jingshi Shu,astronomy,geography,the legal calendar,and the Three Methods and Six Ren.This paper sheds light on the profound connections between the geometric proportions,numerical values,and ideological influences found within the layout plans of Yuan’s capitals,providing references of the complex intellectual framework and ideological systems of Liu Bingzhong,the principal planner of Shangdu and Dadu.
作者 王南 WANG Nan
出处 《建筑史学刊》 2023年第4期138-148,共11页 Journal of Architectural History
关键词 元上都 元大都 元中都 比例 尺度 数术 Yuan Shangdu Yuan Dadu Yuan Zhongdu proportion scale numerology
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