
供需匹配视角下就业质量对产业结构优化的影响研究 被引量:1

Research on the Impact of Employment Quality on Industrial Structure Optimization from the Perspective of Supply and Demand Matching
摘要 产业是就业的载体,就业发展依托于产业。在全球经济增长放缓的背景下,激发就业质量对产业结构优化的推动作用,有助于充分发挥产业结构优化升级对经济增长的重要引擎作用。基于供需匹配视角,探讨了就业质量对产业结构优化的影响机制及效应。理论上,就业质量对产业结构优化具有直接传导机制和空间溢出影响,且消费增长和科技创新在此过程中发挥着中介作用。实证上,选取中国298个城市为研究对象,基于2005—2020年相关面板数据,运用基准回归模型、空间计量模型、中介效应模型进行实证研究。结果表明:第一,就业质量对产业结构优化具有显著的正向传导作用,就业质量能够促进产业结构向高新化、生态化、合理化以及高级化迈进;第二,某地区就业质量提升不仅会推动本区产业结构优化升级,也会对周边地区产业结构优化产生显著的正向影响,且不同区域就业质量对产业结构优化影响效果也不尽相同;第三,就业质量不仅能够通过提升消费增长水平来促进产业结构优化,还能够通过提升科技创新水平来拉动产业结构优化发展。鉴于此,为推动产业结构优化升级,从而化解供需不匹配矛盾,提出相应的政策建议。 Based on the perspective of supply and demand matching,it discusses the impact mechanism and effect of employment quality on the industrial structure.Theoretically,the quality of employment quality has a direct conduction mechanism and space overflow on the optimization of the industrial structure.And consumption growth and technological innovation play an intermediary role in the process.In terms of empirical,it selects 298 cities in China as the research objects.Based on the relevant panel data from 2005-2020,the reference regression model,spatial measurement model,and intermediary effect model are used for empirical research.The results show that:Firstly,the quality of employment has a significant positive transmission effect on the optimization of industrial structure.Employment quality can promote the industrial structure to move towards high-tech,ecological,rational,and advanced development,and has a significant impact on industrial rationalization and high-tech,with industrial ecological development being the weakest;Secondly,the improvement of employment quality in a certain region not only promotes the optimization and development of the industrial structure in regions,but also has a significant positive impact on the optimization of the industrial structure in surrounding areas.Moreover,the impact of employment quality on the optimization of the industrial structure varies among different regions;Thirdly,the quality of employment can not only promote the optimization of the industrial structure by improving the level of consumption growth,but also improve the level of industrial structure optimization.On the basis,in order to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure,thereby resolving the contradictions of supply and demand,and promoting the high-quality economic development of the economy,it puts forward the following suggestions:Firstly,it needs to strengthen coordinated development between different regions,gain the driving force from neighboring regions,and narrow the economic gaps among regions.It should continue to play a leading role in the eastern regions,strengthen the integration and development between employment and industries,and drive the development of the central and western regions from self-strengthening.Secondly,efforts should be made to enhance the level of consumption growth and technological innovation.At the level of consumption growth,it is necessary to further improve the consumption environment,release new driving forces,and encourage the development of new consumption models and formats.At the level of technological innovation,it is necessary to create a good technological ecological environment,further deepen the reform of talent development mechanism,deepen the system of talent cultivation,introduction,motivation and evaluation,and form a rational talent layout,thereby enhancing the support capacity for technological innovation.
作者 尹碧波 于雅静 YIN Bibo;YU Yajing(College of Resources and Environment,Hunan University of Technology and Business,Changsha 410205,China;College of Science,Hunan University of Technology and Business,Changsha 410205,China)
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 北大核心 2024年第1期16-29,共14页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“产业和消费‘双升级’的协同机制及政策研究”(20BJL112) 湖南省社会科学基金一般项目“湖南省就业质量与数量的协同演化机制与途径研究”(18YBA251)。
关键词 供需匹配 就业质量 产业结构优化 消费增长 科技创新 supply and demand matching employment quality industrial structure optimization consumption growth technological innovation
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