

Exploring the Paths for Deepening Climate Cooperation Between China and Latin America
摘要 气候变化是当前全球面临的共同挑战,根据公共产品理论,气候作为一种全球共享品,其改善需要大国参与下的国家间合作来实现。中国作为积极参与全球气候合作的负责任大国,与拉美各国存在共同的气候治理需求,双方在自然资源、技术、能源市场等方面优势互补,在气候合作方面存在较大潜力。然而,当前中拉气候合作仍面临三大挑战,即中拉气候合作的总体性平台和机制缺乏、适应性设施和资金配置不足,以及本土化不够充分。可以从气候治理技术、韧性设施建设和资金配置及配套三个层面应对以上挑战。将气候治理技术合作项目加入中拉技术经验转移网络,增强气候韧性设施建设合作,并通过增加气候适应性资金投入及加强人员、技术、评估流程配套,提升气候资金效用,促进中拉气候合作高效、稳步、繁荣发展。 Climate change is a common challenge facing the world today.According to the public goods theory,climate,as a global common good,needs to be improved through inter-country cooperation with the participation of major countries.As a responsible major country that actively participates in global cooperation,China and Latin American countries share common climate govern-ance needs,and both sides have complementary advantages in natural resources,technology,energy markets,etc.Therefore,there is great potential for deepening climate cooperation.However,the current China-Latin America climate cooperation faces three major challenges:a lack of an overarching platform and mechanism,insufficient allocation of adaptive facilities and funds,and inadequate project localization.These challenges can be addressed through climate governance technology,resilience facility construction,and financial support.Adding cooperation projects of climate management technology to the China-Latin America technology experience transfer network,enhancing cooperation on climate resilience facility construction,and improving the effectiveness of climate fund-ing by increasing climate adaptation funding and supporting personnel,technology,and assessment processes will promote the effi-cient,steady,and prosperous development of China-Latin America climate cooperation.
作者 彭程 杨明刚 PENG Cheng;YANG Minggang(School of Marxism,Hunan International Economics University,Changsha 410205,Hunan,China;Research Department,Hunan International Economics University,Changsha 410205,Hunan,China)
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第6期8-15,共8页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 2021年湖南省社科基金外联项目:“一带一路”背景下的留学生教育与中国文化走出去研究,项目编号:21WLH01。
关键词 中拉气候合作 技术转移 气候韧性 气候金融 China-Latin America climate cooperation technology transfer climate resilience climate funding
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