

The Product Innovation of Emerging Born Global Firms under the Synergy of Brand Recognition and Ambidextrous Capability
摘要 本文提出品牌认知和双元能力协同下新兴天生国际化企业的产品创新分析框架,尝试揭示新兴天生国际化企业在产品创新过程中双元能力和品牌认知的联系。通过单案例研究发现:在国际化成长阶段,技术利用和市场利用有助于新兴天生国际化企业推动形成品牌认知,进而支撑产品创新;在国际化深入阶段,采用技术利用和技术探索研发创新产品,市场利用和市场探索丰富品牌认知内涵,进一步支撑新兴天生国际化企业的产品创新。 This paper proposes an analytical framework for product innovation of emerging born global firms under the synergy of brand recognition and ambidextrous capability and tries to reveal the connection between brand recognition and ambidextrous capa-bility in the product innovation process of emerging born global firms.Through a single case study,this paper finds that in the growth stage of internationalization,technology utilization,and market utilization help emerging born global firms to promote the formation of brand recognition,which in turn supports product innovation.In the deep internationalization stage,technology utiliza-tion and technology exploration are used to develop innovative products,and market utilization and market exploration enrich brand perception,further support the product innovation of emerging born global firms.
作者 何怡 杨翠兰 袁会芳 HE Yi;YANG Cuilan;YUAN Huifang(School of Economics and Management,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,Sichuan,China)
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第6期43-49,58,共8页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 2022年度国家自然科学基金面上项目:高技术产业创新链知识整合的过程机理、运行机制及其管理策略研究,项目编号:72174171。
关键词 品牌认知 双元能力 天生国际化企业 产品创新 brand recognition ambidextrous capability born global firms product innovation
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