

Survey about Competitive Intelligence Work in Some Typical Foreign-related Enterprises in China
摘要 [目的/意义]针对中国科学技术情报学会竞争情报分会会员企业之外的中国典型涉外经营企业开展竞争情报工作实态调查,更好展示中国企业竞争情报实际工作全貌,为新时期竞争情报研究与服务工作创新发展提供新的视野、素材和参考。[方法/过程]按照透过“名”与“实”分离表象了解新时期中国企业竞争情报工作真实情况的逻辑思路,以企业合规管理为竞争情报“名”与“实”分离的典型场景,基于2018—2023年合规管理主题公开会议,采取对派出报告人的企业统计分析、专家咨询访谈、合规管理标杆企业案例研究、承接企业合规管理体系建设项目的咨询服务机构企业客户名单调查研究、公开资料收集分析相结合的研究方法,对中国典型涉外经营企业进行竞争情报工作实态调查。[结果/结论]调查得到以下主要发现:(1)所有涉外经营企业的合规管理都是无“名”有“实”的竞争情报工作;(2)新时期中国典型涉外经营企业对事实上的竞争情报普遍具有强烈而持久的需求;(3)中国典型涉外经营企业的竞争情报工作专业水平呈现显著的差异性;(4)中国典型涉外经营企业对名为合规管理实为竞争情报的工作有很高的要求;(5)中国典型涉外经营企业对符合企业需要的竞争情报专业人才需求迫切且需求数量巨大;(6)有“实”而无“名”是中国典型涉外经营企业竞争情报工作存在的最大问题。 [Purpose/significance]Survey on the actual situation of competitive intelligence work in some typical foreign-relat-ed enterprises in China,then provide new vision,materials and reference for the innovative development of competitive intelligence research and service work in the new period in China.[Method/process]According to the logical thinking of getting the real situa-tion of competitive intelligence work of Chinese enterprises in the new period through the appearance of the separation of“name”and“reality”,taking enterprise compliance management as a typical scenario,this paper surveys the actual situation of competi-tive intelligence work in some typical foreign-related enterprises in China.The methods are used as fellow:(1)Attending compli-ance management meetings.(2)Statistical analysis the speakers from enterprises in compliance management theme public meetings during 2018-2023 in China.(3)Interviewing and consulting experts.(4)Case studies base on a compliance management benchmarking enterprises.(5)Statistical analysis corporate customer list of consulting service institutions undertaking enterprise compliance management system construction projects.(6)Literature research,collection and analysis of public data.[Result/conclusion]The survey findings are as fellow:(1)All foreign-related enterprises engage in real competitive intelligence work with-out“competitive intelligence name”in compliance management scenario.(2)Typical foreign-related enterprises generally have a strong and lasting demand for real competitive intelligence work in the new era.(3)In typical foreign-related enterprises the real professional competitive intelligence work level is significantly different.(4)The requirements for real competitive intelligence work is very high in typical foreign-related enterprises in compliance management scenario.(5)Typical foreign-related enterprises have an urgent demand for real competitive intelligence professionals that can meet the needs of enterprises.(6)The biggest prob-lem is that no competitive intelligence name although real competitive intelligence work are doing in typical foreign-related enterpri-ses.
作者 陈峰 Chen Feng
出处 《情报理论与实践》 北大核心 2024年第1期6-11,29,共7页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“新时期产业技术竞争情报服务理论方法体系研究”的成果,项目编号:21BTQ078。
关键词 竞争情报 实态调查 合规管理 典型涉外经营企业 合规管理主题公开会议 competitive intelligence actual survey compliance management typical foreign-related enterprises compliance management theme public meeting
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