
让儿童与世界美好相遇——基于海德格尔“本源之思”的教育美学诠释 被引量:1

Let Children Encounter the World Beautifully——An Interpretation of Educational Aesthetics Based on Heidegger’s Reflection on the Origin
摘要 海德格尔的“本源之思”为现代教育提供了一种回归本源的思路,即追溯和还原教育的本质之源。从本源意义来看,教育担负着尊重、发现、彰显生命存在的重要责任。但人们却在追求更高远教育目标的途中混淆了“存在”与“存在者”二者的关系,习惯地栖居于由暂时确定的“存在者”建造的大厦,而忽视儿童的存在。诚如海德格尔所主张的“回到生命本身”,教育的本源即指向儿童与世界相遇的生命发生过程。相遇性的世界并非面向被观看的对象,而是以一种浑然的置身性与儿童共同构成“活的事件”。教育中的本源性相遇意味着构建起教育世界与生活世界的连续性,也意味着直面教育生活的多重可能。儿童与世界的相遇视角奠定了“领会自身”“面向操劳”“共在共长”等教育生长点。教育者应积极投身于儿童与世界美好相遇的本源性行动,还原儿童的“活的体验”,守护儿童的运思勇气,欣赏儿童的诗意置造,让儿童在相遇中体验、思考和创造美好。 Heidegger’s reflection on the origin provides a way for modern education to return to its origin,that is,to trace and restore the source of the essence of education.From its original significance,education bears the important responsibility of respecting,discovering and showcasing the existence of life.But people confuse“Existence”and“Beings”in the pursuit of higher educational goals,habitually dwelling in buildings built by temporarily determined“Beings”,to the extent that children’s existence is ignored.As advocated by Heidegger for“returning to life itself”,the origin of education points to the process of life that children encounter with the world.The world with the characteristic of meeting is not oriented towards the object to be viewed,but constitutes a“living event”with children in a state of fusion.The original encounter in education means constructing the continuity between the educational world and the life world,and also means confronting the multiple possibilities of educational life.The perspective of the encounter between children and the world has laid the foundation for education’s development possibilities such as“comprehending oneself”,“based on work and labor”and“co-existence and mutual growths”.In order to promote the sustainable development of education,educators should actively engage in the original actions of a beautiful encounter between children and the world.Through measures such as restoring children’s“living experience”,guarding children’s thinking courage and appreciating children’s poetic creations,children can experience,reflect and create the beauty in encounters.
作者 王鑫 鞠玉翠 WANG Xin;JU Yucui(Faculty of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China)
出处 《教育学报》 北大核心 2023年第6期3-16,共14页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 国家社科基金教育学青年课题“五育融合背景下美育以美培元的实践路径探析”(课题编号:CLA210282)的研究成果。
关键词 教育的本源 海德格尔 儿童与世界 存在 教育美学 origin of education Heidegger children and the world Existence Educational Aesthetics
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