

Research on the Spatial Form and Design Strategies of Street Corners Based on the Behavior Characteristics of Pedestrians
摘要 街角空间在寻路、城市识别、商业价值、城市形态的塑造等多个方面都发挥着重要作用,是城市公共空间体系中不可忽视的层级,其品质提升有利于为行人创造更好的步行体验。研究从如何塑造街角空间形态以使其更好地适应行人行为的角度出发,通过对样本街区和街块中街角案例的分析及分类,讨论了街角空间在街区中的布局原则及具体街角的形态塑造方法,以期为街角空间品质提升提供借鉴和参考。 Street corner space plays an important role in wayfinding,urban identification,commercial value,urban form shaping,and so on.It is an unneglectable layer in the urban public space system,and its quality enhancement is conducive to creating a better walking experience for pedestrians.Starting from the perspective of how to shape the form of corner spaces to better adapt to the behavior of pedestrians,the paper discussed the layout principles of street corner in a certain scale district as well as the morphology shaping method of a specific corner through the analysis and categorization of street corner cases in the sample area and block,with a view to providing a reference for improving the quality of street corners.
作者 张可心 檀烨 Zhang Kexin;Tan Ye
出处 《城市建筑》 2023年第23期72-75,共4页 Urbanism and Architecture
关键词 街角空间 步行行为特征 空间形态 类型学 street corner pedestrian behavioral characteristics spatial form typology
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