

Construction Technology for Geological Support and Reinforcement of Salt Solution Breccia in High-speed Railway Tunnels
摘要 西渝高铁合川东隧道长距离通过盐溶角砾岩,泥质胶结,遇水易软化,块石夹土,孤石含量大,围岩稳定性差,开挖支护安全风险高、施工工效低,隧底受施工扰动及地下水影响大,存在运营期结构安全风险。采取有效的开挖支护和基底处理措施对隧道施工安全和工期至关重要。文章从多种支护方式、隧底换填注浆、系统锚杆支护等方面试验对比分析,形成了一套成熟的铁路隧道盐溶角砾岩地质支护加固施工体系,为类似不良地质施工提供借鉴参考。 The Hechuan East Tunnel of the West Chongqing High Speed Railway passes through salt soluble breccia for a long distance,which is cemented with mud and is prone to softening when encountering water.The rock blocks are mixed with soil,with a high content of solitary stones and poor stability of surrounding rock.The excavation and support safety risks are high,and the construction efficiency is low.The tunnel bottom is greatly affected by construction disturbance and groundwater,posing structural safety risks during the operation period.Effective excavation support and foundation treatment measures are crucial for the safety and duration of tunnel construction.The article compares and analyzes various support methods,tunnel bottom replacement grouting,and system anchor rod support through experiments,forming a mature construction system for salt solution breccia geological support and reinforcement in railway tunnels,providing reference for similar unfavorable geological construction.
作者 高超 GAO Chao(China Railway Fourteen Bureau Group Fifth Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Yanzhou 272000,China)
出处 《价值工程》 2024年第1期74-76,共3页 Value Engineering
关键词 盐溶角砾岩 泥质胶结 换填注浆 支护加固 不良地质 evaporite solution breccial argillaceous cementation replacement grouting support reinforcement unfavorable geology
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