

Why the Use of the Policy of Fanning the Flames in the Dominant Field Can Maintain the Status of the Country
摘要 拱火政策是指行为体(一般为国家)为了获取物质、非物质利益,扩大涉及其他国际行为体已有矛盾的政策。为了更好地探寻两者之间的因果关系,引入关于地位焦虑的研究,所谓地位焦虑主要表现为高地位者对于其他行为体在一个或多个领域要超越它的一种威胁感知。霸权国在实施拱火政策时所涉及的领域往往是自己的优势领域,并通过这种优势完成矛盾的解决从而维护自身的地位。以英德海军竞赛为例,英国正是利用自身海军的绝对优势进行拱火,挑动与德国的军备竞赛,从而使德国在调动资源方面陷入两难境地,最终成功地维护了自身在海权方面的优势地位。 The policies of fanning the flames are policies whereby an actor(generally a country),in order to obtain material or non-material benefits,expands a existing conflict involving other international actors.In order to better explore the causal relationship between the two,this article introduces research on status anxiety,which is mainly characterized by a high-status actor’s perception of a threat that other actors are going to transcend it in one or more fields.The hegemonic countries,in the implementation of the policy of fanning the flames,are often involved in the areas of their own strengths,and through such strengths,they can resolve the conflicts to maintain their own positions.Taking the Anglo-German naval race as an example,Britain used its absolute naval superiority to fan the flames and provoke an arms race with Germany,which putting Germany in a dilemma in mobilizing resources,and finally Britain succeeded in safeguarding its own advantageous position in sea power.
作者 刘璟灿 Liu Jingcan(University of International Relations,Beijing 100080)
机构地区 国际关系学院
出处 《西部学刊》 2024年第2期43-46,共4页 Journal of Western
关键词 拱火 地位焦虑 大国关系 国家地位 fan the flames status anxiety great power relations national status
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