
供应链金融与企业创新投入 被引量:12

Supply Chain Finance and Enterprise Innovation Input
摘要 供应链金融是为供应链成员提供融资、实现纵向一体化的金融服务方式,通过整合物流、信息流和资金流,降低供应链风险,提高金融服务效率,形成核心企业、上下游企业和资金方互利共赢的良性产业生态。供应链金融在提升产业链竞争力的同时能否影响企业创新?已有研究还存在认识不足。本文以2016—2020年非金融类A股上市企业为样本,实证研究供应链金融对核心企业创新投入的影响。结果表明:供应链金融能够促进企业创新投入,且与传统供应链金融相比,数字金融赋能的供应链金融对企业创新投入的促进作用更强;进一步地分析了供应链金融促进创新投入的作用机制,发现供应链金融活动通过提升供应链关系质量增加创新投入。本研究有助于贡献企业创新的前因研究,并揭示“供应链金融——企业创新”的作用机理及理论边界。 The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that innovation is the first driving force and innovation-driven development strategy must be implemented.As the most important subject in innovation activities,innovation capability is related to the core competitiveness of enterprises.And as the basis of innovation activities,R&D investment has an important impact on the development of innovation activities and the improvement of innovation capability.However,due to the strong uncertainty,long cycle,and large capital demand of innovation activities,the innovation investment efficiency of Chinese enterprises is generally low,and a large number of enterprises have innovation difficulties.How to overcome the financing constraints of innovation investment and improve the efficiency of innovation investment has increasingly become an important problem faced by domestic enterprises.As a financial resource for integrating and optimizing customers,suppliers,and other stakeholders,supply chain finance can provide financing for enterprises in the supply chain,reduce supply chain risks,and form a benign industrial ecology of mutual benefit for core enterprises,upstream and downstream enterprises,and the funding side.Therefore,this paper attempts to answer whether and why supply chain finance will enhance the innovation input of core enterprises.Based on the network theory,the empirical test of 528 non-financial A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2020 shows that supply chain finance can promote enterprise innovation investment.In addition,compared with traditional supply chain finance,supply chain finance supported by digital finance has a stronger positive impact on enterprise innovation investment.Furthermore,this paper also analyzes the mechanism of supply chain finance to promote innovation investment,and finds that supply chain finance activities increase innovation investment by improving the quality of supply chain relationships.It is helpful to study the antecedents of enterprise innovation and reveal the mechanism and theoretical boundary of“supply chain finance–enterprise innovation”.The contributions of this paper are as follows:(1)Based on the relationship attribute of supply chain rather than the financing effect of finance,it mines the impact on the innovation of core enterprises in the supply chain,and reveals the internal mechanism of innovation driven by supply chain finance,which enriches and deepens the related research on supply chain finance and enterprise innovation.(2)Using the network theory,it discusses the role of supply chain relationship quality in the relationship of“supply chain finance innovation”,and analyzes the key role of financial factors in inducing supply chain relationship quality in enterprise innovation.(3)It also studies the regulatory impact of supply chain finance with digital characteristics on the innovation input of core enterprises,which provides a theoretical reference for accelerating the technology and mode innovation of supply chain finance under the digital background.
作者 徐鹏 孙宁 敖雨 Xu Peng;Sun Ning;Ao Yu(College of Business,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China;College of Economics,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第11期49-61,共13页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(72032007) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71972159) 重庆市社科基金规划项目(2022NDYB77) 西南政法大学2021年度学生科研创新项目(2021XZXS-254)。
关键词 供应链金融 创新投入 供应链关系质量 数字金融 supply chain finance innovation input supply chain relationship quality digital finance
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