

Seasonal and epidemiological characteristics of community-acquired pneumonia in Chuzhou in 2010-2022
摘要 目的分析2010—2022年滁州地区社区获得性肺炎(community acquired pneumonia,CAP)季节流行特征。方法从安徽省滁州市疾病预防中心获取2010—2022年滁州地区CAP流行病学资料,共选择1053例作为研究对象。收集资料,分析CAP患者性别、年龄、地区、季节分布及病原菌分布。结果共检出316例CAP患者,检出率为30.01%,其中男性152例(48.10%),女性164例(51.90%);19~40岁86例(27.22%),41~60岁106例(33.54%),>60岁124例(39.24%),不同性别、各年龄段肺炎阳性率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。春季检出118例(37.34%)、夏季13例(4.11%)、秋季49例(15.51%)、冬季136例(43.04%),以冬季CAP检出率最高,其次为春季。316例患者检出病原菌阳性198例,检出率62.66%。痰培养细菌检出125株病原菌,其中革兰阴性菌共138例,主要为大肠埃希菌,48例(24.24%);革兰阳性菌共60例,主要为肺炎链球菌,28例(14.14%)。198例阳性患者在春、夏、秋、冬季分别检出41、37、56、64例。药敏结果显示,大肠埃希菌对氨苄西林、头孢唑林耐药率最高,对亚胺培南等敏感;肺炎链球菌对青霉素、红霉素耐药率最高,对万古霉素等敏感。结论2010—2022年滁州地区CAP发病多见于老年人群,春冬季为高发季节,应加强高危人群的防护工作。 Objective To analyze the seasonal and epidemiological characteristics of community-acquired pneumonia(CAP)in Chuzhou from 2010 to 2022.Methods The epidemiological data of CAP in Chuzhou from 2010 to 2022 were obtained from the center for diseases control and prevention of Chuzhou City,Anhui Province.After inclusion and exclusion,a total of 1053 cases were enrolled.General data were collected.Then the characteristics of CAP patients in terms of gender,age,regional and seasonal distribution and pathogenic bacteria distribution were analyzed.Results A total of 316 patients with CAP,with a prevalence rate of 30.01%,including 152 males(48.10%)and 164 females(51.90%).Regarding age,86 cases(27.22%)at 19-40 years,106 cases(33.54%)at 41-60 years,and 124 cases(39.24%)at>60 years,suggesting a statistical difference in the CAP detection rate among different genders and ages(P<0.05).Seasonally,118 cases(37.34%)were detected in spring,13 cases(4.11%)in summer,49 cases(15.51%)in autumn,and 136 cases(43.04%)in winter,with the highest CAP detection rate in winter,followed by spring.Pathogenic bacteria were positive in 198 of 316 patients,with a detection rate of 62.66%.A total of 125 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected in sputum culture,of which 138 cases were Gram-negative,mainly Escherichia coli(24.24%,48/198),and 60 cases were Grampositive,mainly Streptococcus pneumoniae(14.14%,28/198).Among 198 patients positive for pathogen detection,41 cases were detected in spring,37 cases in summer,56 cases in autumn and 64 cases in winter.The drug sensitivity results showed that Escherichia coli had the highest resistance rate to ampicillin and cefazolin,and was sensitive to imipenem and other antibiotics;Streptococcus pneumoniae has the highest resistance rate to penicillin and erythromycin,and is sensitive to vancomycin.Conclusion CAP is quite common in elderly population in Chuzhou from 2010 to 2022,with a high prevalence rate in spring and winter,and the prevention work of high-risk groups should be strengthened.
作者 陈俊 王欢欢 CHEN Jun;WANG Huanhuan(Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,Chuzhou Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital,Chuzhou,Anhui 239000,China)
出处 《公共卫生与预防医学》 2024年第1期109-112,共4页 Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
关键词 社区获得性肺炎 季节 病原菌 流行病学特征 Community acquired pneumonia Season Pathogen Epidemiological characteristics
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