
财政科技投入力度与企业创新产出:作用机制与异质性 被引量:1

Financial Investment in Science and Technology andEnterprises’ Innovation Outputs:Mechanism and Heterogeneity
摘要 财政科技投入不仅可以直接为企业的技术创新提供资金支持,而且可以通过政策导向营造良好的技术创新环境,改善企业的创新条件,并提高企业的创新意愿,从而促进企业创新投入和产出增长。以沪深A股上市公司为样本的分析发现:企业所在城市财政科技支出占财政总支出的比重提高显著促进了企业专利申请总量和发明专利申请量的增长,表明政府加大财政科技投入力度具有显著的企业创新产出促进效应;政府加大财政科技投入力度能够显著缓解企业的融资约束、提高企业的研发强度,即可以通过改善创新条件和提高创新意愿来促进企业创新产出增长;相对来讲,政府加大财政科技投入力度对非国有企业、吸收能力较强企业、高新技术行业企业、竞争性行业企业、制造业企业、资本密集和技术密集行业企业、科学技术支出规模较小地区企业的创新产出增长具有更强的促进作用。应进一步加大财政支持科技创新的力度,实施差异化的科技创新支持政策,持续改善创新环境,以更好地激发企业创新活力。 Since the reform and opening up,China’s high-speed economic growth mainly depends on the inputs of production factors,but with the rising cost of production factors and the tightening constraints of resources and environment,the traditional economic development model is no longer sustainable.Under the new development stage and new development concept,scientific and technological innovation will become the core driving force for future economic growth.However,the characteristics of large investment,long cycle,and high risk of innovation activities lead to the lack of core power of enterprises’innovation.In this case,government is an important driving force for enterprises’innovation and development.Scientific evaluation of the influence and mechanism of government financial support on enterprises’innovation activities is of great practical significance for improving the effectiveness of macroeconomic fiscal policies,enhancing the innovation ability of enterprises,and promoting the development of China in science and technology and high-quality development.Based on the innovation output data of A-share listed companies from 2015 to 2020,this paper examines the impact of financial investment in science and technology on the innovation outputs of enterprises and the corresponding mechanism.The findings of the article are as follows.Firstly,the intensity of financial investment in science and technology has a significant positive impact on the quantity and quality of innovation outputs of enterprises,and this conclusion is still valid after a series of robustness tests and endogeneity problems.Secondly,mechanism analysis shows that increasing financial investment in science and technology can ease the financing constraints of enterprises and enhance the willingness to innovate,thus promoting the growth of the enterprise’s innovation outputs.Thirdly,heterogeneity analysis shows that increasing financial investment in science and technology has a greater promoting effect on the innovation outputs of non-state-owned enterprises and enterprises with strong absorptive capacity.Distinguishing the characteristics of industries,it is found that increasing financial investment in science and technology has a greater role in promoting the innovation output of enterprises in high-tech industries,competitive industries,capital-intensive and technology-intensive manufacturing industries.By dividing the scale of government expenditure on science and technology,it is found that in areas with a smaller scale of expenditure on science and technology,increasing financial investment in science and technology has a greater promoting effect on the quantity and quality of enterprises’innovation outputs.Compared with previous literature,this paper expands on the following two aspects.Firstly,it discusses the influence of financial investment in science and technology on enterprises’innovation outputs from a macro perspective,analyzes the corresponding mechanism,and broadens the previous literature on the impact of enterprise innovation output.Secondly,different from previous literature on external boundary conditions of enterprises’innovation outputs,this paper examines the effects of enterprises’absorptive capacity and industry differences,and discusses in detail the heterogeneous effects of enterprises’industry characteristics according to whether they are high-tech enterprises,competitive enterprises,manufacturing enterprises,and capital-intensive and technology-intensive manufacturing enterprises.To a certain extent,the research in this paper reveals the differential impact of financial investment in science and technology on enterprises’innovation outputs and internal logic,which is helpful for government departments to improve the efficiency and accuracy of fiscal and tax policies to support enterprises’science and technology innovation,and better guide enterprises’innovation and development.
作者 陈力朋 刘金婷 刘华 CHEN Li-peng;LIU Jin-ting;LIU Hua(Business School,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,Henan,China;School of Management,Huazhong University of Science&Technology,Wuhan 430074,Hubei,China)
出处 《西部论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期64-80,共17页 West Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(23BJY018) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划(2023GGJS013)。
关键词 财政科技投入 企业创新产出 融资约束 研发强度 创新条件 创新意愿 financial investment in science and technology enterprises’innovation outputs financing constraints R&D intensity innovative conditions innovation willingness
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