

Doubts about the View of Pu Songling and Tang Menglai Traveled to Mount Tai Together in the 12th Year of Kangxi
摘要 康熙十二年(1673)冬,唐梦赉践昔年与释元玉旧约而有登岱之行。因其登岱所作《看日出歌》及《杂记》记述登岱见日出事与蒲松龄《登岱行》所记泰山日出相似,后来的研究者论及唐、蒲交往,必言二人同登泰山、观日出一事。蒲松龄虽有《登岱行》七古一首,因未能系年,被路大荒先生“姑附于”康熙十二年的诗作中,不能据此认定为该年所作。唐梦赉登泰山在康熙十二年(1673)冬,蒲松龄登泰山在某年七月,二人同是登岱,时间不同,时令有别,故康熙十二年(1673)蒲松龄与唐梦赉同游泰山之说不符合历史事实。 In the winter of the 12th year of f Kangxi(1673),Tang Menglai made a trip to Mount Tai to fulfill his promise with Shi Yuanyu.Because the description of sunrise of Mount Tai in his poem Watching the Sunrise Song and Miscellaneous Notes is similar to what Pu Songling recorded in Deng Dai Xing.When later researchers talk about the relationship between Tang and Pu,they definitely mention Tang and Pu climbed Mount Tai and watched sunrise together,it seems to be a foregone conclusion.Because of the failure to chronicle,Pu Songling's Deng Dai Xing was appended by Mr.Lu Dahuang in the poems of the 12th year of Kangxi,but it cannot be regarded as written in that year.Tang Menglai climbed Mount Tai in the winter of the 12th year of Kangxi(1673),but Pu Songling climbed Mount Tai in July of a certain year,They climbed Mount Tai at different times and seasons.Therefore,the statement of Pu Songling and Tang Menglai visited Mount Tai together in the 12th year of Kangxi(1673)is not consistent with historical facts.
作者 张洪玉 Zhang Hongyu(Zichuan Museum,Zibo 255100,China)
机构地区 淄川博物馆
出处 《蒲松龄研究》 2023年第4期5-15,共11页 Study on Pu Songling
关键词 唐梦赉 蒲松龄 康熙十二年 泰山 登岱集 释元玉 登岱行 Tang Menglai Pu Songling the 12th year of Kangxi Mount Tai Deng Dai Ji Shi Yuanyu Deng Dai Xing
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