

The Significance of Fighting COVID-19 in Forging a Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation from the Perspective of Field Theory
摘要 铸牢中华民族共同体意识,核心要义在于增强各族人民的“五个认同”。铸牢中华民族共同体意识,需要理论教化,以理服人;需要实践锤炼,实践育人;需要用情浇灌,以情感人。场域理论认为,一个人的行为受其所处场域的影响。场域理论视域下,抗疫不仅有力确证了中华民族共同体意识凝聚起的强大抗疫力量,而且为铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供了鲜活实践和难得境遇。一方面,抗疫历程确证了中华民族共同体意识和中华民族精神所体现的中华民族大局意识、忧国忧民的家国情怀、“四个伟大”精神。由此,抗疫对中华民族共同体意识的生动诠释发挥了以理服人的作用。另一方面,抗疫实践及其成就确证了中华民族共同体意识凝聚起的磅礴抗疫力量,因而大大增强了各族人民的“五个认同”。抗疫实践起到了实践育人的功能。同时,同心抗疫的经历使各族人民更加深刻地领悟和认同了休戚与共、荣辱与共、生死与共、命运与共的共同体理念。同心抗疫增进了各族人民的情感认同,产生了以情感人的效果。 Field theory can be described as a conceptual model of human behavior:It holds that a person 's behavior is influenced by his or her field,which includes not only their physical environment but also the behavior of others and many factors related to it.Following this field theory,the social space of fighting the COVID-19 practice can be regarded as the “field of fighting the COVID-19” in this article.Meanwhile,this defines the Chinese prevention of the spread of COVID-19 as any and all action to fight COVID-19 in order to ensure the safety and health of the people abiding by the values and humanistic spirit of “people first and life first”.Therefore,the field and practice of the prevention and control strategy of COVID-19 has become a unique perspective in the study of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.In the field of fighting COVID-19,the antiepidemic measures not only strongly confirm the formidable strength strikingly displayed by Chinese national community consciousness,but also have provided a vivid practice and a rare opportunity for forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.Looking back on the endeavor to curb the spread of COVID-19,on the one hand,the arduous practice of the fight confirms the Chinese nation's overall awareness,worries of the country and the people,and the powerful condensed fighting force embodied by the strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and the spirit of the Chinese nation.On the other hand,1) the Chinese practice of fighting COVID-19 and its achievements have vividly illustrated the principle that “One can do well only when one 's country and nation do well ”,thereby greatly enhancing people's recognition of the great motherland.2)The great practice of the prevention and control strategy of COVID-19,overcoming its difficulties together,and its achievements have once again highlighted the importance of “the Chinese nation is one whole family”capable of survival and its development,which has intensely enhanced the identification of people of all ethnic groups with the Chinese nation.3) The practice of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and its achievements have highlighted the vital importance of Chinese culture in the survival and further development of the Chinese nation,thus enhancing the recognition of Chinese culture among the members of all ethnic groups.4) The procedure of the prevention and control strategy of COVID-19 and its accomplishments have made all ethnic peoples in China deeply realize once again that “the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental guarantee for the victory of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics”,further enhancing the recognition of the people of all ethnic groups to the CPC.5) The practice of fighting COVID-19 and its achievements have once again proved that “only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China”,thus strengthening the recognition of people of all ethnic groups to socialism with Chinese characteristics.Therefore,the practice of preventing the spread of COVID-19 has played a role in educating people.At the same time,the experience has made people of all ethnic groups more deeply understand and recognize the concept that all ethnic groups are part of the same community,where they “share weal and woe and the same future and stick together through thick and thin,and life and death”.
作者 崔庆五 邓倩 严雯静 Cui Qingwu;Deng Qian;Yan Wenjing(School of Marxism,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan;Sichuan Judicial and Police Officers Professional College,Deyang,618000,Sichuan;School of Community for the Chinese Nation,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2023年第7期121-129,165,共10页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 2021年四川省社科规划思想政治理论课研究专项课题“抗疫场域中铸牢中华民族共同体意识路径研究”(SC21SZ016) 西南民族大学铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究中心2021年度项目“民族高校大学生中华民族共同体意识培育研究”(21GTYBC03)阶段性成果。
关键词 场域理论 中国抗疫场域 中华民族共同体意识 中华民族精神 Field Theory the field of fighting COVID-19 in China Chinese national community consciousness spirit of the Chinese nation
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