

The Cultivation of Core Competencies of Ethnic Minority College Students Who Head Back Home for a Job in the New Era
摘要 民族高校是少数民族人才培养的主阵地,需要回答好“培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人”这一根本问题。新时代共同富裕、乡村振兴为民族地区发展带来了新的契机,也赋予了少数民族大学生返乡就业新的责任和使命。核心素养是连接社会主导价值和个人发展的媒介,铸牢中华民族共同体意识是返乡就业少数民族大学生核心素养培育方向。本研究通过分析民族地区经济构成、人口结构、就业观的变化,剖析少数民族大学生素养教育存在的相关研究起步晚、理念及体系发展滞后、教师素养教育意识及技能匮乏、企业用工注重综合素养、民族学生就业素养亟待提高等现实困境和挑战。研究认为,中华民族共同体意识素养、创新创业素养、信息素养是少数民族大学生重点培育的核心素养,应围绕核心素养培育优化民族高校教育体系。通过优化民族高校核心素养的培育方法,提高少数民族大学生返乡就业所需的核心素养,促进民族地区社会稳定和经济发展。 Ethnic minority college students returning to ethnic minority areas for employment are to assume the task of further implementing the program of Developing Border Areas and Improving Local People's Lives,connecting ethnic areas and border areas to consolidate poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization.The focus of the cultivation of ethnic minority college students also needs to change from the education of knowledge,technology,and ability to the schooling of core competencies that are conducive to the longterm development of ethnic minority areas in the new era.Based on a premised historical mission and responsibility of ethnic minority college students heading back home for jobs,this study explores the content and path for cultivating the above-mentioned ethnic minority college students' core competencies.Results show that the cultivation of ethnic college students' essential qualities currently mainly has been facing the following difficulties and challenges:1) Research on minority college students' competencies started late;2) the development of the concept and system of core competencies education has been lagging;3) teachers lack awareness and skills needed in the schooling of competencies;4) enterprises in ethnic minority areas have been paying more attention to comprehensive competencies;and finally 5) it has become urgent to improve the employment competencies of ethnic minority college students.From the results it may also be stated that the core competencies of ethnic minority college students returning to their hometown should be future-oriented and reflect the new requirements of the economic and social development of ethnic minority areas for talents in the new era.To be specific,as the principal quality in the area of values,community consciousness is deemed the essential competency to realize the governance and development of ethnic minority areas;moreover,an innovation competency is considered a realistic requirement for economic and social development in ethnic minority areas;and information competencies are objective requirements for the technicalization and informationization of industrial development in ethnic minority areas.Furthermore,the cultivation of ethnic minority college students' core competencies is a systematic project,which needs to start from the education system.Therefore,the suggestions are as follows:i) Forming a multi-party linkage mechanism to cultivate and optimize the education system of Minzu colleges and universities that focuses on core competencies;ii) teaching the competency of community consciousness and building a community with a shared future for the Chinese nation;iii) promoting an innovation competency in business to improve an innovative development ability;and iv) clarifying the standards of information competencies to improve information practice skills.The social,economic,and population structures,as well as the employment situation of ethnic minority areas have undergone significant changes,and given the findings of this study ethnic higher education needs to focus on cultivating the core qualities of ethnic minority college students who head back to their hometown for employment.Excellent education on community awareness is significant for both the construction of the Chinese national community and its common spiritual home,as well as the fostering of values of ethnic minority college students.Finally,innovation and information competencies are considered the basis for ethnic minority college students to strive for the achievement of rural revitalization and common prosperity in ethnic rural areas.
作者 赵丹 曾素君 Zhao Dan;Zeng Sujun(School of Management and Economics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu,611731,Sichuan;Institute of Community for the Chinese Nation,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan;School of Marxism,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第7期146-153,168,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“社交媒体对少数民族大学生中华民族共同体认同的影响及构建研究”(21YJC880103) 国家留学基金委面上项目(202008510084)阶段性成果。
关键词 新时代 返乡就业 核心素养 共同体意识 New Era returning home for employment core competencies community consciousness
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