
论我国危险化学品环境安全管理制度的健全与完善 被引量:1

On the Improvement and Perfection of China ’s Environmental SafetyManagement System for Hazardous Chemicals
摘要 危险化学品环境安全管理制度的兴起源自其带来的复杂的环境安全问题,通过风险管理和风险社会的理论基础解析可为危险化学品环境安全管理制度的构建提供指导。我国危险化学品环境安全管理制度存在着缺乏理念和原则上的顶层设计、制度间的统筹协调和明确的操作规则等问题。为了解决这些问题,需要进一步健全和完善危险化学品环境安全管理制度,包括完善危险化学品环境安全申报登记制度、危险化学品环境风险跟踪控制制度、建立化学品污染物排放和转移登记制度以及危险化学品环境安全应急管理制度。 The environmental safety management system of hazardous chemicals stemmed from the complex environmental safety problems brought about by itself.The analysis of the theoretical basis of risk management and risk society can provide guidance for the construction of the environmental safety management system of hazardous chemicals.In terms of the environmental safety management system of hazardous chemicals in China,there is a lack of top-level design in concept and principle,overall coordination between systems and clear operating rules.In order to solve these problems,it is necessary to further improve the environmental safety management system of hazardous chemicals,including improving the environmental safety declaration and registration system for hazardous chemicals,the environmental risk tracking and control system for hazardous chemicals,the establishment of a registration system for discharging and transferring chemical pollutants,and an emergency management system for environmental safety of hazardous chemicals.
作者 王灿发 王哲 Wang Canfa;Wang Zhe(Civil,Commercial and Economic Law School CUPL,Beijing 100088;The China Institute of Applied Jurisprudence The Supreme People’s Court,Beijing100745,China)
出处 《北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期9-22,共14页 Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 危险化学品 环境安全 风险 环境安全管理制度 hazardous chemicals environmental safety risk environmental safety management system
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