
豫西旱地烟薯间作模式下不同株距对烤烟生长及产量质量的影响 被引量:2

Effects of plant spacing on growth,yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco under tobacco and sweet potato intercropping pattern in dryland of western Henan
摘要 为探索适宜豫西旱地烤烟高质量发展的烟薯产业综合体模式,以烤烟‘LY1306’和鲜食甘薯‘普薯32’为材料,采用田间试验研究“烟垄栽薯”2∶2间作模式下烤烟不同株距(65、60 cm和55 cm)配置对烟株生长及产量质量的影响。结果表明:在烟株移栽后90 d,与烤烟单作相比,烤烟株距为65 cm时,烟薯间作烟叶的最大叶长和最大叶宽分别提高5.09%~5.12%和5.17%~8.17%,叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值)提高4.90%~6.81%,净光合速率(P_(n))、气孔导度(G_(s))和蒸腾速率(T_(r))分别提高16.39%~21.50%、23.82%~27.72%和36.21%~45.31%,土传根茎病害发病率降低74.38%~78.42%;烤烟株距为60 cm时,烟薯间作烟叶的最大叶长和最大叶宽分别提高3.71%~4.79%和4.69%~7.61%,SPAD值提高3.80%~5.55%,P_(n)、G_(s)和T_(r)分别提高14.03%~19.77%、15.68%~22.49%和29.83%~35.78%,土传根茎病害发病率降低75.30%~78.11%;两种株距下烤后烟叶内在化学成分配比较烤烟单作更为合理。随着烤烟株距的减小,间作处理的土地当量比(LER)、总产值及烤烟感官评吸总分表现为先增加后减小;当烤烟株距为60 cm时,烟薯间作的总产值在2021年和2022年分别达82 855.40 CNY·hm^(-2)和81 654.55 CNY·hm^(-2),较烤烟单作提高15.85%和22.43%。综上,豫西旱地采用“烟垄栽薯”2∶2间作模式的LER>1,具有间作优势,且烤烟株距调整为60 cm时(烤烟单作株距65 cm),烟株生长较好,产量质量指标最优,综合效益最大。 To explore the suitable flue-cured tobacco and sweet potato intercropping model for high quality development of flue-cured tobacco in dryland of western Henan,we conducted a field experiment using flue-cured tobacco‘LY1306’and fresh sweet potato‘Pushu 32’as experimental materials to investigate the effects of flue-cured tobacco and sweet potato with 2∶2 intercropping pattern and different plant spacing(65 cm,60 cm and 55 cm)of flue-cured tobacco on the growth,yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco.The results showed that 90 days after flue-cured tobacco transplanting,compared with flue-cured tobacco monoculture,when the flue-cured tobacco plant spacing was 65 cm,the maximum leaf length and maximum leaf width of flue-cured tobacco intercropping with sweet potato were increased by 5.09%~5.12%and 5.17%~8.17%,the SPAD value was increased by 4.90%~6.81%;P_(n),G_(s) and T_(r) were increased by 16.39%~21.50%,23.82%~27.72%and 36.21%~45.31%;and the incidence of soil-borne rhizome diseases was reduced by 74.38%~78.42%.When the plant spacing of flue-cured tobacco was 60 cm,the maximum leaf length and maximum leaf width of flue-cured tobacco intercropping with sweet potato were increased by 3.71%~4.79%and 4.69%~7.61%;the SPAD value increased by 3.80%~5.55%,P_(n),G_(s) and T_(r) increased by 14.03%~19.77%,15.68%~22.49%and 29.83%~35.78%;and the incidence of soil-borne rhizome diseases decreased by 75.30%~78.11%.The internal chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaves under the two-plant spacing of intercropping was more coordinated than that of flue-cured tobacco monoculture.Under intercropping,with plant spacing of flue-cured tobacco increasing,the land equivalent ratio(LER),total output value and sensory evaluation total score of flue-cured tobacco increased first and then decreased.When plant spacing of flue-cured tobacco was 60 cm under flue-cured tobacco and sweet potato intercropping,the total output value of was 82855.40 CNY·hm^(-2) in 2021 and 81654.55 CNY·hm^(-2) in 2022,which was 15.85%and 22.43%higher than that of flue-cured tobacco monoculture.In summary,intercropping flue-cured tobacco and sweet potato in dry land of western Henan had significant advantage with land equivalent ratios(LER>1).Moreover,these indexes of flue-cured tobacco growth,yield and qualityas well as comprehensive benefit were the best when the plant spacing was 60 cm under flue-cured tobacco intercropping compared to the plant spacing was 65 cm under flue-cured tobacco monoculture.
作者 王悦华 马珂 苏少伟 周俊学 申洪涛 温烜琳 张书豪 李友军 王艳芳 刘领 WANG Yuehua;MA Ke;SU Shaowei;ZHOU Junxue;SHEN Hongtao;WEN Xuanlin;ZHANG Shuhao;LI Youjun;WANG Yanfang;LIU Ling(College of Agriculture,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang,Henan 471023,China;Henan Agricultural Radio and Television School,Zhengzhou,Henan 450008,China;Henan Provincial Tobacco Company of CNTC,Zhengzhou,Henan 450018,China;Technology Center,Luoyang Branch of Henan Provincial Tobacco Corporation,Luoyang,Henan 471023,China;Technology Center,China Tobacco Henan Industrial Limited Company,Zhengzhou,Henan 450016,China)
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期194-204,共11页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
基金 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)(212102110286) 河南省烟草公司洛阳市公司项目(LYKJ202003,2022410300270071) 河南省烟草公司许昌市公司项目(2021411000240098) 河南中烟工业有限责任公司资助项目(2020410001340006)。
关键词 烤烟 烟薯间作 株距 烟叶产量 烟叶质量 豫西旱地 flue-cured tobacco tobacco and sweet potato intercropping plant spacing tobacco yield tobacco quality dryland of western Henan
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