The poetry of ekphrasis by Northern Irish poet, Derek Mahon, is both a creative choice of intermedial writing and an esoteric poetic strategy, which is tied with his thoughts on the autonomy and social function and other related issues as well. This device of “alienation”can be attributed to the social woes in Northern Ireland since the 1960s. It amounts to a reuse and diversified transplantation of shared visual resources, thus “now” and “history”,“here” and “there” are juxtaposed and interlocked as a “significant form” of art to counter the breaking down of social norms. The common mechanism of viewing it accomplished in the process provides a way of mending social fissures and incubating an aesthetic community,while cultivating one more thinking path for understanding the visuality of ekphrastic poetry.
Sun Hongwei(the School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
Foreign Literature Studies