
决明子在保健食品中的使用情况分析 被引量:4

Application analysis of Cassiae Semen in health food
摘要 目的分析作为主要原料的决明子在保健食品中的使用情况。方法构建含决明子的保健食品配方数据库,统计高频原料,并对原料性味、归经、功效进行描述,采用Apriori算法和Kulc、IR参数对高频原料进行关联规则分析。结果纳入的保健食品共316件,其中主要包括减肥类102件,通便类81件,辅助降血脂类76件,缓解视疲劳类22件,占全部功能保健食品的89%(281/316)。在减肥类保健食品中,原料应用最多为决明子、其次为荷叶、再次为山楂,代表性原料组合为决明子-茯苓-泽泻、决明子-泽泻-荷叶等;在通便类保健食品中,原料应用最多为决明子、其次火麻仁、再次芦荟和绿茶,代表性原料组合为决明子-绿茶-番泻叶等;在辅助降血脂类保健食品中,原料应用最多为决明子、其次山楂、再次荷叶,代表性原料组合为决明子-三七-丹参、决明子-荷叶-山楂等;在缓解视疲劳类保健食品中,原料应用最多为决明子、其次枸杞子、再次菊花等,代表性原料组合为决明子-枸杞子-菊花等。结论决明子用于保健食品主要功能为减肥、通便、辅助降血脂、缓解视疲劳4类,运用关联规则挖掘使用规律与中医理论一致。 Objective This study aimed to analyze the medication rules of health food with Cassiae Semen as the main raw material.Methods A database of health food containing Cassiae Semen was established.The functional ingredients of the health food were counted,of which the nature,taste,meridian tropism,and categories were described.The Apriori algorithm,Kulc,and IR were used to analyze the association rules.Results A total of 316 health foods were accounted for,including 102 items for weight loss,81 items for laxatives,76 items for assisting in lowering blood lipid,and 22 items for relieving visual fatigue,comprising 89%(281/316).Among the health foods for weight loss,the most widely used raw materials were Cassiae Semen,followed by Nelumbinis Folium and Crataegi Fructus.The representative drug combinations were Cassiae Semen-Poria-Alismatis Rhizoma and Cassiae Semen-Alismatis Rhizoma-Nelumbinis Folium.In laxative health food,the most widely used raw materials were Cassiae Semen,followed by Crataegi Fructus,Aloe,and green tea.The representative drug combinations included Cassiae Semen-Green Tea-Sennae Folium.Among the auxiliary hypolipidemic health foods,the most widely used raw materials were Cassiae Semen,Crataegi Fructus,and Nelumbinis Folium.The representative drug combinations were Cassiae Semen-Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma-Salvia Miltiorrhiza Radix et Rhizoma and Cassiae Semen-Nelumbinis Folium-Crataegi Fructus.Among the health foods for relieving visual fatigue,the most widely used raw materials were Cassiae Semen,Lycii Fructus,and Chrysanthemi Flos.The representative drug combinations included Cassiae Semen-Lycii Fructus-Chrysanthemi Flos.Conclusion The main functions of Cassiae Semen used in health food were weight loss,laxative,auxiliary blood lipid-lowering,and relief of visual fatigue.The medication rules were consistent with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.
作者 张茜茜 曹春然 李雪梅 高晓新 赵晋燕 胡宇驰 郭洪祝 ZHANG Qianqian;CAO Chunran;LI Xuemei;GAO Xiaoxin;ZHAO Jinyan;HU Yuchi;GUO Hongzhu(Beijing Institute for Drug Control,NMPA Key Laboratory for Safety Research and Evaluation of Innovative Drugs,Beijing Key Laboratory of Analysis and Evaluation on Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102206,China;Beijing Pharmaceutical Packaging Materials Inspection Institute,Beijing 100035,China;Beijing Institute for Drug Control,NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine),Beijing Key Laboratory of Analysis and Evaluation on Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1265-1271,共7页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1706802)。
关键词 决明子 保健食品 APRIORI算法 关联规则 数据库 Cassiae Semen health food Apriori algorithm association rules database
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