

Research on Dynamic Load Calculation of LEF Sealing Plate of a Certain Aircraft Based on RANS/LES Model
摘要 某飞机前襟下偏后,气流会穿过前襟和翼盒之间的缝隙,从下翼面流向上翼面从而形成射流,造成封严板的支撑件疲劳破坏。RANS模型在湍流的核心区会得到较大湍流粘性,并将过多的动量变化计入雷诺应力项,得到的载荷波动量过小;而RANS/LES模型,在附面层内求解RANS方程,在分离区进行LES处理,得到的湍流粘性低,适合于动载荷的预测。本文以某飞机的前襟封严板的动载荷计算为例,对上述两种方法进行了对比并得出了结论。 When the leading-edge flaps of a certain aircraft deflect downwards,the airflow will pass through the gap between the leading-edge flap and the wing box,and flow from the lower wing surface to the upper wing surface,which may result in the fatigue damage on the support components of the sealing plate.The RANS model can gain rather significant turbulent viscosity in the core region of turbulence,and incorporate excessive momentum changes into the Reynolds stress term so that a small load wave momentum can be gained.While the RANS/LES model is used to solve the RANS equation in the boundary layer and perform LES processing in the separation zone so that a low turbulence viscosity suitable for predicting the dynamic load can be gained.This article takes the dynamic load calculation of the LEF sealing plate of an aircraft as an example to compare the above two methods and draw conclusions.
作者 刘征 任智勇 王国良 杨勇 Liu Zheng;Ren Zhiyong;Wang Guoliang;Yang Yong(AVIC Hongdu,Nanchang,Jiangxi,330024)
机构地区 航空工业洪都
出处 《教练机》 2023年第4期22-25,39,共5页 Trainer
关键词 动载荷 LES RANS CFD Dynamic load LES RANS CFD
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