With the increasingly aging population in China and the importance of concepts like"walkability"and"green transportation",it is necessary to explore the level of walkability in communities oriented to the elderly.In this study,three communities oriented to the elderly in Daqing City,Heilongjiang Province which have significantly different facility layouts,road network characteristics,and architectural textures were chosen as research objects.Existing problems of the built environments in these communities were analyzed using the comprehensive measurement model of walkability and walking index method.Some strategies to optimize walkability of unbuilt and built communities were suggested.The macroscopic and microscopic walkability evaluation indexes were determined with reference to existing studies and a questionnaire survey.Weights of different indexes were determined by combining the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)and the expert scoring method. A walkability evaluation index system for the elderlywas built. Through measurement and calculation, the quality andwalkability status of walking environments in three communitiesunder macroscopic and microscopic levels were summarized. Thewalkability index for the elderly was improved based on road networkdata and points of interest (POI) data (daily life facilities for theelderly). The meso-service facility distribution and current accessibilitywere ascertained through survey data, kernel density analysis, andwalkability index. The case communities were analyzed based on measurementresults: ① From the index layer, Lianghu Community has a lowintelligibility, but has good traffic safety, environmental quality,pedestrian width, and pedestrian cleanness. Hubin Community haseasy access and obviously higher intelligibility than others. WanbaoCommunity gets a high score in road network convenience, but haslow scores in environmental quality, pedestrian width, pedestriancontinuity, pavement quality, and pedestrian cleanness. ② Fromthe criteria layer, the three communities differ significantly in termof connectivity, readability, and comfort. Lianghu Community getshigh scores in safety, comfort, and pleasure. Wanbao Communitygets lower scores than the other two communities due to the poorenvironment. ③ From the goal layer, Hubin Community and WanbaoCommunity show better land development and utilization, whileLianghu Community lags behind. With respect to road structuralattributes, Hubin Community>Wanbao Community>LianghuCommunity. From walking service level and environmental qualitylevel, Lianghu Community>Hubin Community>Wanbao Community.At present, communities oriented to the elderly demonstrate commonproblems such as coexistence of people and vehicles, road crossings,ambiguous guidance of road signs, no perfect elderly care servicesystem in modern communities, influences of community age limitsand property management on the walking environment, etc. Measuring the walkability of communities should take multipleaspects into account. Community planning, service facility distribution,and walking environmental quality can all influence overall walkabilityof communities. ① Community planning layout includes land use diversity and road network structures, and both caninfluence the travel experiences of the elderly. The richbusiness functions and straight roads can increasethe elderly’s enthusiasm for walking outdoors. ②Service facility distribution and coverage can influencewalkability scores to some extent. The walkability scoresare higher if the facility distribution is more uniform andthe coverage is wider, indicating better walkability in theregion. ③ Factors like road network convenience, roadpavement, planning of parking places, medical andshopping facilities, green environment, and propertymanagement can influence walking environmentalquality of communities and satisfaction of the elderlywith the overall walking environment of communities. During planning of unbuilt communities, it isrecommended to build a safe and convenient networkand enrich business functions of communities tomeet the various activity needs of the elderly, andguarantee plentiful rest spaces and walking safety ofthe elderly.
HUANG Lidi;LIU Shuangshuang;ZHENG Bodan;WEI Dake
South Architecture
the aged group
walkability index