

Biden Administration Restarts US Climate Cooperation with China and its Limits
摘要 拜登政府高度重视气候变化问题,其上任后着手重启在特朗普政府时期陷入停滞的美国对华气候合作。为此,拜登政府“内外兼修”,在国内重振气候治理政策议程,在国际上恢复履行全球气候治理义务,进而推动重启与中国的气候合作。拜登政府重启美国对华气候合作是拜登总统个人及其政策团队的气候理念使然,受到民主党气候立场传统、党内进步派施压、利益集团推动等国内政治因素驱动,同时也服务于其总体对华政策。但重启却始终难以摆脱美国对华战略竞争的范式束缚,面临对华更加强硬的共和党不断掣肘、中美围绕全球气候治理责任分摊的立场差异难以弥合以及气候优先还是遏华优先的两难选择等多重因素制约。 The Biden administration attaches great importance to the issue of climate change.After taking office,it sets out to restart US climate cooperation with China,which had stalled during the Trump administration.To this end,the Biden administration has reinvigorated the policy agenda of climate governance at home and resumed the implementation of global climate governance obliga⁃tions at the international level,including bilateral and multilateral cooperation with China on climate change.The resumption of US climate cooperation with China is a result of the climate philosophy of President Biden and his policy team.It is driven by domestic political factors such as the traditional climate position of the Democratic Party,pressure from the progressive members within the party,and influence of domestic interest groups.It also serves the Biden ad⁃ministration's overall China policy.However,such resumption has been difficult owing to the paradigm of US strategic competition with China.There are multiple restrictions like constant constraints from the Republican Party which is tougher on China,the gap between China and the US on the responsibility sharing for global climate governance and the dilemma between"climate first or containing China first".
作者 欧歌 Ou Ge(School of International Relations and Diplo-macy,Beijing Foreign Studies University)
出处 《战略决策研究》 2024年第1期3-24,I0001,共23页 Journal of Strategy and Decision-Making
关键词 气候治理 拜登政府 中美合作 战略竞争 Climate Change Biden Administration Sino-US Cooperation Stra⁃tegic Competition
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  • 2Nirav Patel, "The Strategic Environment of U. S. -Sino Relations," in Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel, eds., China's Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship, pp. 3-18.
  • 3Abraham Denmark," Chapter Ⅷ: China's Arrival: A Framework for a Global Relationship," in Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel, eds. , China's Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship, p. 158.
  • 4Abraham Denmark," Chapter Ⅷ: China's Arrival: A Framework for a Global Relationship," in Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel, eds. , China's Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship,p. 180.
  • 5Abraham Denmark, "Chapter Ⅷ: China's Arrival: A Framework for a Global Relationship," in Abraham Denmark and Nirav Patel, eds. , China's Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship, pp. 169-170.
  • 6《G2论创始人主张用多国框架结构消解美中摩擦》,载《日本经济新闻》,新华社东京2010年6月6日日文电.
  • 7杜平.《中美之间的操控与反操控》,载《联合早报》,2010年1月22日.
  • 8《中国评论新闻》.http://gb.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1012/0/8/0/101208045.html?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101208045.
  • 9杜平.《中美之间的操控与反操控》,http://gb.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1012/0/8/0/101208045.html?coluid=7&kindid=0&doeid=101208045.
  • 10John Ponffret, "U. S. Continues Effort to Counter China's Influence in Asia," Washington Post, July 23, 2010.









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