

GC-MS Analysis of Rhizospiere-Soil Extract of Pinus massoniana Seedings
摘要 以2年生马尾松苗木为实验对象,对比分析苗木根际土壤浸提物成分及其含量,为研究其天然更新和地力衰退提供参考。采用甲醇和乙醇2种浸提剂分别萃取分离苗木根际土壤,气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)进行物质鉴定和成分分析。结果表明:马尾松根际土壤甲醇浸提物共鉴定检测出37种化合物;乙醇浸提物鉴定出46种化合物。采用甲醇浸提马尾松根际土壤浸提物的物质种类比采用乙醇浸提的物质种类少9种,相对含量少14.16%。两种浸提方法下,相对含量较高的物质种类均为酯类、醇类和酸类,但各类化合物所占比重不相同。两种浸提剂共同检测出的酸类物质有棕榈酸、正十四碳酸、油酸。从浸提物的组成成分来看,马尾松的根际土壤浸提物中含有多种有机化合物,主要为酸类、酯类、醇类、烃类、醛类和酚类等物质,种类较为丰富,且各化合物的相对含量不同,不同化合物的种类和相对含量对马尾松的生长具有重要的生态学意义,但各物质种类之间的相互作用机制对马尾松的生长和天然更新有待于进一步地深入研究。 In order to provide scientific basis and theoretical guidance for natural regeneration and soil degradation,the two years of Pinus massoniana seedings were used as the test plant to analyze the variety and content of the extracts from rhizospheric soil of Pinus massoniana seedlings.Ethanol and methanol extracts were used to extract and inoculate the rhizosphere soils of the seedlings.Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry techniques was used in material identification.The results showed that thirty-seven compounds were identified from methanol extracts in the rhizosphere soil of Pinus massoniana;forty-six compounds were identified by ethanol extracts.The rhizospheric soil extracts(extracted with methanol)of Pinus massoniana seedlings had 9 more components than those of extracted with ethanol.The relative contents of chemical constitute was less 14.16%.Under the treatment of two extraction methods,the relative contents of chemical constitute were both esters,alcohols and acids,but the proportion of various compounds are different form each other.The palmitic acid,carboxylic acid and oleic acid were the acids which detected under the treatment of methanol and ethanol.In terms of the composition of extracts,the rhizosphere soil extracts of Pinus massoniana contain a variety of organic compounds,mainly acids,esters,alcohols,hydrocarbons,aldehydes,phenols and other substances.The relative content of each compound is different,and the types and relative content of different compounds have important ecological significance for the growth of Pinus massoniana.However,the interaction mechanism between the material types for the growth of Pinus massoniana and natural regeneration remains to be further in-depth study.
作者 罗晓蔓 邴靖楠 马晓鹏 Luo Xiaoman;Bing Jingnan;Ma Xiaopeng(Forestry Survey and Planning Institute of Guizhou Province,Guiyang,Guizhou 550000,China;Shanxi Tobacco Company Xinzhou City Company,Xinzhou,Shanxi 034000,China)
出处 《绿色科技》 2023年第21期121-124,130,共5页 Journal of Green Science and Technology
关键词 马尾松 根际土壤 浸提物 气相色谱-质谱 化学成分 Pinus massoniana rhizosphere soil extracts GC-MS chemical components
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