目的 研究睾丸附件和附睾附件扭转的高频彩色多普勒超声表现及其临床意义。方法 应用高频彩色多普勒超声检查、分析 1 7例睾丸附件或附睾附件扭转的声像图改变 ,并与正常附件的超声表现、手术及随访结果进行对照。结果 睾丸附件或附睾附件扭转的超声表现为其体积膨大 ,呈卵圆形 ,回声不均匀 ,多呈高回声。扭转的附件多位于附睾头与睾丸上极之间 ,位置固定 ,并有触痛。附件内无血流信号显示、而附着处组织血供增多。患侧睾丸鞘膜积液。结论 高频彩色多普勒超声能发现睾丸附件或附睾附件扭转 ,并可判断其程度 。
Objective To study the appearances of the high frequency color Doppler ultrasound on the torsion of the orchiepididymal appendages and its clinic values.Methods Seventeen patients with the torsion of the orchiepididymal appendages were examinated by color Doppler ultrasound with 5~10 MHz frequency transductor, aged 4~27 years. Nine cases underwent surgery and 8 cases underwent conservative treatment and follow up ultrasound. Results Twisted orchiepididymal appendages were demonstrated an oval, enlarged, and inhomogeneous echogenic nodule on sonography. The nodule was commonly situated in the sinus between the testis and the head of the epididymis. Color Doppler showed no blood flow in the nodule but the increased blood flow in the tissue around the one. Conclusions Torsion of the orchiepididymal appendage could be assessed by high frequency color Doppler ultrasound. It is helpful for choosing the therapy scheme of the torsion of the orchiepididymal appendage.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography