

Argentine Sinology in the Perspective of Anthropology
摘要 21世纪以来,阿根廷的中国研究进入迅速发展阶段。中国国际影响力的增强吸引了阿根廷人文社科领域学者的目光,采用人类学视角开展相关研究成为阿根廷中国研究的新趋势。本文介绍了人类学视角下阿根廷中国研究的发展,采用文献分析法梳理了其代表性团体圣马丁国立大学的人类学学者的中国研究的成果,从而发现,人类学视角的融入丰富了阿根廷中国研究的方法和内容,是阿根廷中国研究的新动向。阿根廷的人类学中国研究正处于不断发展的阶段,仍存在巨大的提升空间,在相关机制的支持下有望走向更繁荣的发展阶段,成为拉美人类学中国研究的先行者。 Since the beginning of the 21st century,Sinology in Argentina has been entering a stage of rapid development.The enhancement of China’s international influence has attracted the attention of Argentine scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences.The scholars carry out relevant research from an anthropological perspective,which has become a new trend of Sinology in Argentina.This paper introduces the development of Argentine Sinology in the perspective of anthropology,applying a documentary analysis to sorting out the results of Sinology produced by anthropologists from the National University of San Martin,which is a representative group of the field.It is found out that the integration of anthropological perspectives has enriched the method and content of Argentine Sinology,whose research becomes new trends.Argentine Sinology in the perspective of anthropology is seeing continuous development,and there is still a large room for improvement.With the support of relevant mechanisms,it is expected to thrive and become a pioneer in anthropological Sinology of Latin America.
作者 郭晓娜 Guo Xiaona
出处 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2023年第6期37-43,156,共8页 International Sinology
关键词 阿根廷 人类学 圣马丁国立大学 中国研究 田野调查 Argentina anthropology National University of San Martin Sinology field research
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