

The Operation Mechanism of ICT Enterprises’Internal Entrepreneurship Accelerator:A Case Study of E Company
摘要 企业内部创业加速器作为一种有效的方式,能够推动企业内部实现突破性创新,从而开拓新产品和新业务,并支持富有创业精神的员工进行创业。以典型信息与通信技术(ICT)企业E公司的内部创业加速器资料为研究对象,运用扎根理论分析方法,总结了ICT企业内部创业加速器的运作机制模型。并从组织与战略、创新生态环境和创业项目运作3个层面揭示了加速器平台良性持续运作的机理。其中,与母体企业的战略协同是动机和基础,创新生态互动是环境和条件,创业项目的运作是策略和方法。扩展了企业内部创业加速器的已有研究成果,对ICT企业建立内部创业加速器实践具有借鉴意义。 As an effective way,intra-enterprise accelerator can promote breakthrough innovation within the enterprise,develop new products and new businesses,and support entrepreneurial employees to start their own businesses.This paper takes the intrapreneurship accelerator of typical ICT enterprise E company as the research object,adopts the grounded theory research method,and summarizes the operation mechanism model of ICT enterprise intrapreneurship accelerator.The study reveals the mechanism of the benign and continuous operation of the accelerator platform from three levels:organization and strategy,innovation ecological environment and entrepreneurial project operation.Among them,the strategic synergy with the parent company is the motivation and foundation,the innovation ecological interaction is the environment and conditions,and the operation of entrepreneurial projects is the strategy and method.The study expands the existing research results on corporate intrapreneurship accelerators and has reference significance for the practice of ICT companies establishing intrapreneurship accelerators.
作者 杨翀昊 Yang Chonghao(South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 530440,China)
机构地区 华南理工大学
出处 《科技创业月刊》 2024年第1期181-193,共13页 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目“企业网络动态能力与协同创新生态系统互动演化机制研究——以新兴技术产业为例”(71762003) 国家自然科学基金资助项目“公共治理视阈下跨区域合作创新网络多主体协同发展机制研究”(72164002)。
关键词 创业加速器 ICT企业内部创业 扎根理论 运作机制 Corporate Accelerator ICT Enterprise Intrapreneurship Grounded Theory Operating Mechanism
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