

Exploration of Integrating the Great Spirit of Building the Party into the Work of"Three Complete Education"in Universities
摘要 中国共产党百余年的英勇奋斗不仅创造了辉煌的社会发展成就,更锻造了不朽的精神财富,构筑了以伟大建党精神为源头的中国共产党人精神谱系。伟大建党精神的生成有着十分深刻的理论逻辑、历史逻辑和实践逻辑。将伟大建党精神融入高校“三全育人”工作,能够教育和引导学生从伟大建党精神中感悟“信仰”力量、汲取“信念”力量、坚定“信心”力量和赓续“奋斗”力量。伟大建党精神融入“三全育人”工作,在人员层面,需要坚持研学共进,推动伟大建党精神融入教育教学“主渠道”;在场域层面,需要突出显隐并举,夯实伟大建党精神融入校园载体文化建设“主阵地”;在时域层面,需要推进知行合一,奏响伟大建党精神融入社会实践“主旋律”。 The heroic struggle of the CPC for more than 100 years has not only created brilliant achievements in social development,but also forged immortal spiritual wealth,and built a spiritual pedigree of the CPC people with the great spirit of party building as the source.The generation of the great spirit of building the Party has profound theoretical logic,historical logic,and practical logic.Integrating the great spirit of building the Party into the"three complete education"work in universities can educate and guide students to understand the power of"faith",draw on the power of"faith",strengthen the power of"confidence",and continue the power of"struggle"from the great spirit of building the Party.The integration of the great spirit of building the Party into the"three comprehensive education"work requires adhering to the principle of joint research and learning at the personnel level,and promoting the integration of the great spirit of building the Party into the"main channel"of education and teaching;at the field level,it is necessary to highlight both visible and hidden aspects,and consolidate the integration of the great spirit of building the Party into the main battlefield of campus carrier culture construction;at the time domain level,it is necessary to promote the integration of knowledge and action,and play the main melody of integrating the great spirit of party building into social practice.
作者 时文龙 Shi Wenlong(School of Marxism,Xinjiang Normal Xinjiang Autonomous Region,University,Urumqi 830017,China;Chongqing Open University,Chongqing Technology and Business Institute,Chongqing City,Hechuan 401520,China)
出处 《成才之路》 2024年第2期29-32,共4页 Way of Success
基金 重庆市教委人文社会科学研究规划项目“有形·有感·有效:‘三个务必’融入大学生理想信念教育全过程研究”(编号:23SKGH386) 新疆师范大学研究生科研创新项目“赶考视域下‘三个务必’融入高校大学生理想信念教育研究”(编号:XJ107622313) 重庆开放大学重庆工商职业学院科研项目“基于‘六盒模型’创建职业院校基层党建品牌的研究”(编号:DJYB2022-01)的研究成果。
关键词 建党精神 高校 “三全育人” 立德树人 信仰 信心 信念 奋斗 力量 Party building spirit universities "three complete education" foster character and civic virtue belief confidence belief struggle power
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