

Edition,Supplement and Academic Contribution of the Ming Dynasty's Gu Jin Yi Jian
摘要 《古今医鉴》八卷,明代龚信编辑,其子龚廷贤续编,成书于明万历四年(1576),刊刻于万历五年(1577),由周曰校的万卷楼刊刻。此后周庭槐再版刻印,八卷,改书名为《新刊古今医鉴》。周四达又请王肯堂对《古今医鉴》进行校正,以初刻本为底本重新刊刻,名《重刻古今医鉴》,仍为八卷,此本显示出由王肯堂校注修改的痕迹,其成书时间当在初刻本与周庭槐本之后王肯堂十六卷本之前。王肯堂之后又对《古今医鉴》重新进行了全面修订整理,勘误补漏,阐释医理,调整方药,加工润色,并改成十六卷本重新刊印,做出了重要的贡献,明万历十七年(1589)由叶华生刊印完成《王宇泰先生订补古今医鉴》。尚见“姑苏文台沈公本”,是以初刻本为底本刻印的活字本,刻印时间为日本元和年间(1615—1624)。本书对临床各科百余种病证进行阐述,荟萃古今诸家之论,完整保存了确有效验的官府、民间验方及父子二人所创方剂,在诸多方面具有创新,做出了重要的学术贡献。 Gu Jin Yi Jian,eight volumes,which was edited by Gong Xin in the Ming dynasty and then finished by his son Gong Tingxian in the fourth year of the Ming dynasty Wanli(1576).And it was engraved by Zhou Yuexiao's Wan Juan Lou engraving house in the fifth year of the Wanli(1577).Then Zhou Tinghuai re-printed,eight volumes,renamed it Xin kan Gu Jin Yi Jian.Zhou Sida also asked Wang Kentang to proofread Gu Jin Yi Jian,and reprinted it use the first edition and named it Chong ke Gu Jin Yi Jian,which is also eight volumes.This edition shows the traces of the revision made by Wang Kentang that engraving time is after the first block-printed edition and the Zhou Tinghuai edition,before the sixteen-volume edition of Wang Kentang.Then Wang Kentang revised the Gu Jin Yi Jian comprehensivly and reprinted it into 16 volumes.In the 17th year of the Ming dynasty(1589),Ye Huasheng engraved it,and named it Gu Jin Yi Jian revised and supplemented by Mr.Wang Yutai.There's more,the“Gu Su Wen Tai Shen Gong version”was use the original block-printed and on the basis of the movable-type,It is engraved on the date of the Genwa period of Japanese Emperor(1615-1624).This book expounded more than 100 kinds of diseases and syndromes in various clinical departments,and collected the theories of various ancient and modern schools.It completely saved the effective prescriptions creatived by the father and son and other some come from the government and folk prescription.The book innovatived many ways and made important academic contributions.
作者 朱克 傅海燕 ZHU Ke;FU Haiyan(Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110847,China;The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110101,China)
出处 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期190-194,共5页 JOURNAL OF BASIC CHINESE MEDICINE
基金 全国高等学校古籍整理委员会项目(GJZL2019001) 辽宁省教育厅2021年度科学研究经费面上项目(LJKZ0885)。
关键词 《古今医鉴》 版本 学术贡献 龚信 龚廷贤 Gu Jin Yi Jian Edition Academic contribution Gong Xin Gong Tingxian
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