
日常生活中的小事情异化——列斐伏尔《日常生活批判》第一卷解读 被引量:1

The Alienation of the Small Things in Everyday Life-Interpreting Vol.1 of Lefebvre's Critique of Everyday Life
摘要 在列斐伏尔眼里,历史唯物主义正是人本主义异化史观的具体化,这种观点也会进一步延伸到他对马克思中晚期经济学研究中的异化批判理论的理解中。并且,这种异化批判要从马克思的总体人的观念中获得。与马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中前置的价值悬设——理想化劳动不同,列斐伏尔是捕捉到马克思展望人类获得全面解放后的“总体人”自由发展状态,并将其作为未来目标式的后置目的论牵引。并且他认为,这种总体人的观念恰恰是与马克思后来提出的人类社会从必然王国向自由王国的转换是完全同向的。 In Vol.1 of Lefebvre's Critique of Everyday Life,he opens his own unique exploration of the alienated world of the mystical nature of bourgeois rule.Unlike the young Marx,who in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 was concerned with the abstract nature of genus and the alienation of labour relations in the bourgeois system of employment,and also unlike Marx in his mid-to-late years,who was concerned with the relations of economic alienation in his economics studies,Lefebvre began to focus on the alienation of the small things in everyday life around everyone in contemporary capitalist society.This inaugurated an important turn in western Marxist critical theory of alienation:the turn from a critique of the alienation of grand political and economic relations to a critique of the micro-phenomena of alienation in everyday life.Unlike Marx,who focused on the grandiose problems existing in the economic and political system of capitalism,Lefebvre leads us,from the very beginning,to move from Marx's revelation of the darkness of the bourgeois world to the seemingly bright and familiar everyday life around him,and wants to discuss the micro-reality basis of the bourgeoisie's political and economic domination,i.e.,the alienation that is hidden in everyday life,which is,it should be said,a remarkable major shift in the field of observation.At the same time,it also means that a new humanistic logical configuration based on the individual is being established.In Lefebvre's eyes,historical materialism is the very concretisation of the humanist view of the history of alienation,a view that,in turn,would further extend to his understanding of the theory of the critique of alienation in Marx's mid-and-late economics studies.And,this critique of alienation is to be derived from Marx's conception of the“total human”;unlike the suspension-idealised labour that is front-loaded in Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844,Lefebvre captures the vision of Marx on the comprehensive liberation of humanity.
作者 张一兵 Zhang Yibing
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期5-17,206,共14页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 列斐伏尔 《日常生活批判》 异化 总体人 Lefebvre Critique of Everyday Life Alienation The“total human”
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