

How to Achieve Virtue through"Yue"?-An Investiga⁃tion Based on the Evolutionary History of Music Education in Pre-Qin Period
摘要 自西周礼乐之治开始,即出现了旨在培养个体德性(政治德行)的乐教。“乐”与“礼”之规范性相辅相成,具有使不同身份的个体行为符合规范的教化功能,谓“礼、乐,德之则也”。随着诸子学说在春秋末年的兴起,德性的内涵从政治德行范畴深化为内在的道德品格,但乐教形式的自觉性价值亟待建构。孔子于礼乐制度规范失效的情况下挖掘了“乐”的自觉性价值:将由“乐”引起的情感视为个体作出道德行为的主要动力,以西周传统乐教的形式内容作为道德教育与道德实践的对象,并设置了理想人格作为德性实现的现实形态,建立了一条凸显个体内心自觉的德性修养路径,谓之“兴于诗,立于礼,成于乐”。“至于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺”即是这一德性修养路径的方法论提纲。孔子“乐”论被孔门后学与荀子所继承,德性修养变为以人性、人情为基础的讨论。而荀子在性恶论基础上强调“乐”的规范性价值,与孔子强调“乐”的自觉性价值互为补充,使“乐”的德性精神留存于儒家教化思想中,最终成为中华文化的精神气质之一。 Since the era of the Western Zhou and the establishment of ritual and music governance,a form of education aimed at cultivating individual virtues(political virtues)through music,known as"Yuejiao"or education through music,emerged.The normativity of"Yue"and"Li"complemented each other,possessing a transformative function to align the behavior of individuals of different social statuses with established norms.It can be said that"Li"and"Yue"constitute the rules of virtue and virtuous conduct.As the various schools of thought emerged in the late Spring and Autumn period,the connotation of virtue transitioned from the category of political virtues to the intrinsic moral character.However,the self-aware value of musical education urgently needed construction.In a situation where the norms of the ritual and music system had become ineffective,Confucius explored the self-aware value of"Yue".He regarded the emotions evoked by"Yue"as the primary driving force for individuals to engage in moral conduct.Confucius used the content and forms of traditional Western Zhou musical education as the subjects of moral education and moral practice.He established an ideal personality as a tangible form of virtue realization,outlining a path for cultivating virtues that emphasized the self-awareness of an individual,known as"It is by the Odes that the mind is aroused.It is by the Rules of Propriety that the character is established.It is from'Yue'that the finish is received."The methodological framework for this path is encapsulated in the statement:"Let the will be set on the path of duty.Let every attainment in what is good be firmly grasped.Let perfect virtue be accorded with.Let relaxation and enjoyment be found in the polite arts."Confucius's theory on"Yue"was inherited by Confucian scholars and later expounded by Xunzi.Virtue cultivation shifted towards discussions based on human nature and human sentiments.Xunzi,building upon the theory of innate human wickedness,emphasized the normative value of"Yue".This perspective,complementing Confucius's emphasis on the self-aware value of"Yue",preserved the spiritual essence of virtue within Confucian educational thought.Ultimately,it became one of the distinctive spiritual qualities of Chinese culture.
作者 黄梦肖 HUANG Mengxiao
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期89-100,共12页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“先秦儒家伦理的情感逻辑研究”(项目编号:19BZX115)。
关键词 乐教 德性修养 伦理规范 道德主体性 "Yue" "Yuejiao" moral cultivation ethic norms moral subjectivity
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