

Supervision to the Countryside:A Research on the Effec⁃tive Supervision Mechanism of Village-level Power in the New Era
摘要 村级权力监督自古以来就是中国乡村治理演进的基本内容和治理状态的重要标识,相较于其他监督形态具有独特属性和运行框架。继“政权下乡”“政党下乡”“民主下乡”等乡村治理体制机制重构后,“监督下乡”成为新时代促进乡村有效治理的一项重要机制。党的十八大以来,中国共产党领导推进乡村治理体系和治理能力现代化,聚焦破解村级权力“谁来监督、监督什么、如何监督”等基本问题,建立健全“主体联动、内容覆盖、机制融合”的现代村级权力监督机制,加强对村级权力运行的“全员监督、全面监督、全程监督”,开创了以“监督下乡”加强村级权力有效监督的实现机制。“监督下乡”成为新时代党建引领农村基层各类监督贯通协同的有效机制,有助于解决村级权力监督体系结构性困境导致的监督空转问题。开启全面推进乡村振兴新征程,完善党建引领村级权力监督贯通协同机制,需要进一步强化政治监督,统领村级权力监督体系;加强法治监督,保障村级权力监督机制;完善民主监督,夯实村级权力监督基础;重视道德监督,激活乡村文化监督功能;将大数据监督嵌入村级权力监督全过程。 Since ancient times,village-level power supervision has been the basic content and important indicator of the evolution of rural governance in China.Compared with other forms of supervision,it has unique attributes and operational frameworks.After the restructuring of rural governance mechanisms such as"political power to the countryside","political parties to the countryside",and"democracy to the countryside","supervision to the countryside"has become an important mechanism to promote effective rural governance in the new era.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the CPC has promoted the modernization of the rural governance system and capacity.Focused on solving the basic problems of village power,such as"who will supervise,what to supervise,and how to supervise",the CPC has established and improved the modern village power supervision mechanism of"subject linkage,content coverage,and mechanism integration",and has strengthened the"full supervision,comprehensive supervision,and whole-process supervision"of the operation of village power,creating a mechanism to strengthen effective supervision of village-level power through"supervision to the countryside"."Supervision to the countryside"has become an effective mechanism for party construction to lead various types of supervision at the grassroots level in rural areas in the new era,which helps to solve the problem of supervision vacancy caused by the structural difficulties of the village-level power supervision system."Supervision to the countryside"embarks on a new journey of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization,improves the collaborative mechanism of party construction in village level power supervision,further strengthens political supervision,and leads the village-level power supervision system.It also strengthens legal supervision,ensures the supervision mechanism of village-level power,improves democratic supervision and consolidates the foundation of village-level power supervision as well as emphasizes moral supervision,activates the function of rural cultural supervision and embeds big data supervision into the entire process of village-level power supervision.
作者 李玉才 Li Yucai
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期101-114,共14页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目“乡村振兴背景下江苏农村小微权力监督机制创新研究”(项目编号:21ZZD002) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“乡村振兴中的村级权力监督研究”(项目编号:19DZZJ01)。
关键词 监督下乡 村级权力 权力监督 乡村治理 supervision to the countryside village-level power power supervision rural governance
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