

On the Evaluation of Emperor Wu of Han in Modern China
摘要 汉武帝统治时期的一系列政策,不但对西汉朝局走向影响极大,而且很大程度上形塑着之后中国政治、经济与文化的格局。在近代变局下,人们也常从不同角度对之进行评价。近代民主思想在中国广泛传播之际,时人不仅从政治治理的实际效果来评价汉武帝的得失,还十分在意剖析其种种作为是否仅为了巩固个人统治、满足一己私欲。在这个意义上,近代关于汉武帝的评价,某种程度上也体现着人们对于现实当中的为政者的评判标准与期望值。此外,伴随着新思潮的迅速普及,社会主义成为绝大多数中国知识分子与政治人物思考历史与现实问题时的重要凭借,在此背景下,人们很容易基于当代立场把汉武帝时期的社会经济政策视为近代社会主义在中国古代的某种先声。当然,这种跨越古今的遥想,并不能替代对于汉武帝所作所为的具体分析。对于汉武帝的评价,堪称近代中国政治文化不容忽视的组成部分。 During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han,a series of policies not only exerted a great impact on the direction of the Western Han Dynasty,but also greatly shaped the political,economic,and cultural landscape of China in the following years,which has always been evaluated from different perspectives in modern times.At a time when modern democratic thought was widely spread in China,people not only evaluated the gains and losses of Emperor Wu of Han from the actual effect of political governance,but also paid great attention to analyzing whether his various actions were only for consolidating personal rule and satisfying his own selfish desires.In this sense,the evaluation of Emperor Wu of Han in modern times also reflects to some extent people's evaluation standards and expectations for political figures in reality.In addition,with the rapid popularization of new ideological trends,socialism has become an important tool for the vast majority of Chinese intellectuals and politicians to think about historical and practical issues.In this context,it is easy for people to view the social and economic policies of Emperor Wu of Han as a precursor to modern socialism in ancient China based on contemporary perspectives.Of course,this kind of foresight that transcends ancient and modern times cannot replace the specific analysis of the actions of Emperor Wu of Han.The evaluation of him can be regarded as an integral part of modern Chinese political culture that cannot be ignored.
作者 王锐 WANG Rui(Department of History,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期20-33,共14页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 河南大学人文社会科学高等研究院“人文语义学交叉学科培育计划”重大项目“中国传统政治概念的近代转型研究”(23RWYYX05)的研究成果。
关键词 汉武帝 康有为 章太炎 吕思勉 钱穆 Emperor Wu of Han Kang Youwei Zhang Taiyan Lv Simian Qian Mu
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