
Extremal Functions for an Improved Trudinger-Moser Inequality Involving L^(P)-Norm in R^(n)

摘要 Let W^(1,n)(R^(n))be the standard Sobolev space.For any T>0 and p>n>2,we denote■Define a norm in W^(1,n)(R^(n))by■where 0≤α<λ_(n,p).Using a rearrangement argument and blow-up analysis,we will prove■can be attained by some function u_(0)∈W^(1,n)(R^(n))∩C^(1)(R^(n))with ||u_(0)||_(n,p)=1,here a_(n)=n■_(n-1)^(1/n-1) and ■_(n-1) is the measure of the unit sphere in R^(n).
出处 《Journal of Partial Differential Equations》 CSCD 2023年第4期414-434,共21页 偏微分方程(英文版)
基金 supported by National Science Foundation of China(Grant No.12201234) Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province of China(Grant No.2008085MA07) the Natural Science Foundation of the Education Department of Anhui Province(Grant No.KJ2020A1198).
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